can see, the captain was thrilled to pieces to be wearing it!
little bit was sound asleep.
Some of the beautiful decor.
Wasn't her dress amazing?
so cute
the 2 on the right are my cousins.
the one on the left is not family...although she is considered as such.
as well as innocent and sweet...Caden would have been a wonderful addition
to their splendor. Can you see why I couldn't stop crying????

and who doesn't love a little man in a sweater vest?
OK, I know what you are going to say....Cari, where is Rigg in his 3 piece ensemble? Well, I was so busy I forgot to take a pic. Not to worry, the photographer too plenty. And I plan on cheating and putting him in it here at home to get a few shots...
happy weekend!
Those pictures are beautiful. What a pretty wedding dress. Your pictures look professional! Especially of the kiddos. I can see why it was a tough day. Still praying Cari. Gods peace to you.
- jen
Andy likes the crown. I can tell. Now I would like a picture of him in the crown doing his ballet. Thank you.
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