You might not remember me... I am Cari, I write this blog.
My husband informed me, gently, that I have been neglecting my Internet duties.
I am sorry.
Hi, I am Cari...you might not remember me... or know me at all.
I shall now fully introduce myself...
I am Cari.
I am married to the Captain, Andrew... and have been for 6 years.
We have 3 children. Caden, who is waiting for us in Heaven, Rigg who is 15 months old, and Ryder, who is merrily kicking the wahoozits out of my bladder as I type (due in January)
What... you knew all this already? OK, something different...
I am a Cari Anne... only a few people call me this, mainly my Dad, who, incidentally, I call Pop.
I went to school for interior design... I love a project, I love pretty things, I am forever driving the Captain mad with wants to change our surroundings.
I laugh at almost everything... even when others do not think it is funny...
In my mind, I can create better clothes then the contestants on Project Runway.
I am a lover of big, no: HUGE, sunglasses.
I am a "homemaker", this is in quotes because I hate housework with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.
I love to read. I can go through about 4 books a week if they are good and keep my attention. I should not do this because it therefore takes up all of my spare time and my home starts to look like a residence from the show hoarders...
I like to throw things away... the Captain is a keeper... (if you can keep a secret, I will tell you that sometimes, when he is at work, I go on a trashing spree and toss things I know he will never miss... shhh, do not tell him!)
I am a talker....not so much a listener...Because of this trait I was stationed at my second grade teachers desk for a good part of the school year. My mom and teacher both knew it was for inappropriate talking, I thought it was because I was special, did I mention, I am a optimist?
God is still working on me.
I am loud, especially when I am with others who love to talk and laugh. Because of this trait I can be obnoxious...in an endearing way of course.
I ate an absurd amount of cookie dough yesterday, so much in fact, that I baked no cookies because of the lack of remaining dough... sorry Captain.
I have a crazy amount of confidence in things I have never attempted to do. If there is an instruction booklet, a handy reference guide, or it is logically understandable, I will attempt it with the expectation that I can accomplish it...I do know my limits though, there are things I cannot do...
I cannot spell or do math. Spellcheck is my best friend and my husband does not let me near the balance sheet.
I have many wonderful intentions that never come to pass... thank you notes is the highest on the list...the thank you note area of my brain really does resemble a house from Hoarders... next in line is losing weight...ahh, I always mean to, but I have issues with self control and chocolate...
I love pictures, globes and maps.
I enjoy a meal cooked and served by someone else more then one cooked and served by myself, I think I was destined to be rich and waited upon... (this is said with much sarcasim, and a heavey British acceent)
I handle myself well in high pressure situations, I tend to have small meltdowns afterwards.
I was in show choir in high school. I still remember some of the dance moves. I do them when I am alone.
My favorite color might be green, but I do love a good teal, and orange draws my eye like a well placed Cheesecake Factory.
Clothes are my kriptonite. If I had the money, and was not constantly pregnant, I would shop at The Loft and Anthropology, in my mind I want to be classy like a Loft lady and playful like a girl from Anthropology... I settle for clearence at Target, or full price at Target if I am jonsing for a new item.
Maybe one day I will buy a belt again...
I love being pregnant.I feel pretty when I am pregnant.
I get HUGE when Iam pregnat... really, people comment. I get a lot of " I have never seen a woman get so big" I am OK with it.
I love to blog and stalk others blogs. I love reading comments...I hardly ever leave any for others... I am aware how hypocritical that is.
I love being a mama... And since Rigg is up from his nap... I should go.
I am Cari...