Wednesday, February 29, 2012

what I need

The weather today is gorgeous.
65 and sunny.

But despite the loveliness out of doors... I am having a day.

It has been one of those mornings when you wonder what God was thinking allowing you to parent children. My mommy attitude has been poor. I have been nasty and grumpy to my kids... my precious blessings... and then I have guilt which in turn has put me on the verge of tears all morning. 

It's one of those days where the lies of the evil one are loud in my ears... telling me I could do so much better as a mommy, as a wife, as a home maker, as a friend...

I suppose it has been building.
 I feel like I desperately need a break, physically, emotionally...mentally... and there is none to be had.
Today everything stressful and emotional in my life seems to have hit at once.

The Captain still has not found a job... and he is home... a lot.
My house looks like a toy/clothes/(dog)fur/stuff bomb exploded.
My one year old is teething BIG TIME. There are like 8 teeth coming in!
Rigg is testing and toeing the line.
My kids and I have been sick for 16 days and counting.
and then there is the $$ thing that comes with a husband with no job...
and the I feel fat thing that comes from having 3 babies in 3 years...
and on top of all that...
today I miss Caden so much it hurts.

It's just one of those days when all the crap of life hits you in the face...
and then laughs at how poor you are handling it.

I just need a big, long hug... on a beach... in St. Lucia...from the person who paid for me to be there and is watching my children.... for 9 days.

that's all I need.

that and a candy bar that tastes just like a snickers, but when you eat it you lose a pants size....

that's all I need.

or maybe just some prayer... for my attitude... for my husband.... for my broken heart.
because today
that really is what I need.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a day (or 2) at the museum

We have an excellent children's museum near us.
It is HUGE and colorful and jam-packed full of kid loving goodness.

We recently acquired a membership pass...which allows us to attend whenever we want. SO many useful benefits, especially with littles. We can go early and leave before lunch.. if we don't do everything, who cares? We can go back next week!!!

So we have been making good use of our new pass. I have instagramed our last couple of the photos were taken by camera phone, on the move, chasing people under 3... if they are a bit sub par, you will understand....

Right now they have a Mr. Potato Head exhibit. Rigg loves "tato head" and it is hard to get him to move on to the other options in the room. Rigg's favorite "tato head" accessories are hats, shoes and mustaches.

Ryder and a col light exhibit...

watching Andy and Rigg drive the bull dozer was hilarious!

There is a play scape with a section for children under 2. All the floors, walls and toys are big and plush... Ryder loved crawling through the tunnel and rolling down the ramps.

All three boys played/ stared at this ball machine for about 10 min. 

The museum has a carousel that has been there since I was a kid. It is 90+ years old and was once in one of the parks around town. Rigg wanted to ride the lion and Ryder danced himself silly to the music.

 Stellar kid watching by the Captain...

A hall of mirrors...

a trip to Egypt...

A "life sized" Bumble Bee. Rigg talked about Bumble Bee all day after this.

Ryder started getting sleepy... my friend Cristi was lulling him to sleep...

 An awesome dinosaur exhibit. The sky changes color and it simulates a thunder storm...

Which helped put this little guy over the edge...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

a bit random

Life has begun to slow down here.
In a good way.

but it makes for boring blog posts...or with my recent track record in mind... no blog posts...

I have come here today to rectify that... the no blog post's part... I cannot promise not boring.

I have a bit on Rigg and Ryder planned for later this week, so you won't see much of them today. But do not fret...they are well.... and crazy and adorable and all little boys should be.

Ryder is a handful... but so cute I want to squish him all the time.

Rigg has been over the moon with some Valentines he recieved this year.  He carried this heart around for days... even slept with it a night or two.

In the first week of March I am going on a trip. My first "away-ness" since this trip I took with the Captain after Caden died. I am not going with the Captain this time. I am going on a girls trip. The Captain will have to stay and hang out with the boys for 3 days and 2 nights (poor Captain) While I will relax and shop and sit and eat all of a hot meal in one sitting (yeah me!!)
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am.


But it is not for another 2 weeks... So I need to cool my jets a bit.

In other super fun news...
I got a new-to-me light!!!

It used to be my grandparents. It hung in their home since the 70's or earlier. When I was over helping my mom clean out my Mama's closets, I told Papaw that I loved it.
Next time mom went over, he had it down and ready to move. Now it resides over my club chair in our living room... and I could not be more delighted about it.

Pretty, huh?

The Captain got me a great Valentines day gift...
no, I am not pregnant...

He bought me new dinning chairs....

3 out of 4 of the old ones were broken. And by broken I mean 1 was completely gone... broke in two ages ago. The other 2 were falling apart fast, and they had nails and sharp bits poking out all over... unsafe for littles, or accident prone persons such as myself.

We found an excellent deal on some that looked good with our table (it is holding up nicely, if you ignore the huge burn mark in the not so exact center where I let a candle burn far too long) and everytime I gaze over at the dining room I get a silly smile on my face... chairs...
and yes, that is Ryder chewing on a swiffer in the background...

also for my dinning room... months ago, I had a craft day with my friend Lauren... our main job was to add a splash of color to the top of my BLACK armoire, which sits against my DARK BROWN wall. Every time I looked at that corner I said blech, and heard a sad whaa-whaa.
So we made some (large) colorful pears to brighten it up!

How cute are they? And oh-so colorful... my little heart could burst with the joy of it!!

and they help a lot!!! Still this picture looks rather boring... but ther was no good way to crop there ya go...

I also helped my friend Cristi make some more cakes... this time for a bridal shower. Cute polka-dotty goodness.They were tuquoise, pink and red... but my camera phone didn't quite capture the adorableness.

And to end this jaw dropping post with even more earth shattering news...
The Captain and I have been having some epic scramble battles...
upon one of my more thrilling victories, I snapped a screen shot... to memorialize it's greatness.

 Ahh, sweet victory!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

How very Pinteresting

So... Are y'all on Pinterest? Or are you holding out and assuming this new fangled, crazy fad is fleeting... Like tights as pants... Or dinners out with friends after kids...
Or are those just me?

 Well I am on Pinterest. You should follow me, I pin all the cool things. carichastain. That's me... Go ahead... Follow me, is fun.

I am a huge Pinterest fan. I might not go so far as to say it has changed my life... But I have tried more then one thing I have found there. And I have wasted mucho time searching for things that could change my life... So maybe one day that will pay off...But really, I am a dreamer, and pinning things I love... Even though I cannot afford them, or have anywhere for them... Makes my heart happy.

So, today I thought I would post the things I have done/ tried/ used that I found through Pinterest. And then tell you what I thought of it.
 Fun right? Let's go.

First let's tackle the food I have made. I know I do not talk about food a lot on here. I do not revel in all things cooking... and I DO NOT BAKE...but make no mistake... I LOVE FOOD. Especially when it is EASY. Or when someone else makes it for me. (favorite)

I made this:

Source: via Cari on Pinterest

So delish...and super easy. one quick tip: LINE YOUR PAN WITH can thank me later. I had thislip-lickin' chicken with this as a side dish...

I also have made this:

very good... I added some steamed broccoli on the side... yum.

and I loved this:

oh so easy and good... like want to have it 3 times a week good. I heard through the pinterest vine that some add mushrooms... I would, because it sounds divine... but the Captain and mushrooms are not on friendly terms...

I have made this a couple times...I add shredded chicken and eat it on toast...

and I made these this morning...

also I have experimented with my hair...

It turned out nice... But I really didn't like it on me...

and I have done the sock bun.. no pics... but it is AWESOME... just google it...

you might remember I made a similar Christmas Wreath...
Source: via Cari on Pinterest


and I made my own date print


and I have made my own version of this card for Andy and my Dad


this is by no means an exhaustive list... but it is some of the ideas I have pilfered from others and made my own...

so, are you on Pinterest?

What have you pinned?

Friday, February 3, 2012

a post of pics

Hello, again interweb... I have missed you.

I would like to tell you my absence was from something super fun and exciting like a European vacay or a huge windfall of cash and I was shopping my heart out...

But it was neither of these things... my absence was due to life as a mother of littles...
days full of children and short on time.
I am told it is a season.. and I am trying not to wish my days away.

here is what we have been up to the past few weeks...via my camera phone...

popcorn and movie parties with Zankman... our favorite giant zebra.

foam sword fights in Target

learning how to share... this is very hard when you are so little... and when you are not so little...

eating our first Oreo...and loving it... and making a ginormous mess

walking/running everywhere... 

mommy having a moment of sheer genius and telling Rigg the "rocket ship" sucks up stuff... and he can play with it whenever he wants!!!

for my birthday I received some gift cards... and I bought me some boots...that I love so much I dream about them at night... and wish I had bout them in black too....

I know he is mine... and I might be a bit bias... but Ryder is so beautiful (I do not care if you are not supposed to call boys beautiful... I am and he is!)


Rigg still loves the dog... a lot.  And Bo is learning to maybe, just maybe love on Rigg... for now he settles for toleration...

I love this pic...forget that they were both screaming their heads off thinking the high pitched squealing was super fun and not at all giving me a headache... it produced this moment...which I love.

Andy is still out of a job... it has been 3 months... maybe longer. God has been faithful... and we thank you for your prayers.
Hopefully soon I can post some good news and tell y'all he has a job... until then, just keep praying!