Monday, February 18, 2013

the painting of the chevrons... and some other stuff.

You know it's been awhile since you put up a blog post when your brother-in-law texts you complaining about your interwebby absence.
Sorry for the quiet, Ryan... usually you would enjoy me shutting up for a bit.  :)

I've just been a bit emotionally lazy. I have wanted to post... but when I started to think about it, it just made me tired. I knew if I sat down I would want to tell you about how I am... and that makes me tired.
And, quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of always talking about me and what we are going through and how we are feeling.
It's emotionally draining.

So, I'm gonna tell you we are OK, trying to live one day at a time and enjoying our time together.

and then I'm going to talk about nothing of import.
(I'm currently reading a Sherlock Holmes novel, hence the wordage.)

I have been lazy about posting... but I have done some home-improvement type projects. I took ample pics, so I won't be stingy... I'll share.

I have this fun little wall that juts out about 2 inches just above my fireplace. It makes it the perfect place for a small accent. When we first moved in, 7 years ago, I painted it chocolate brown. It has stayed that color for almost 7 years. Last week I decided it was time to change it. We already had all the paint and all the tools, so this was to be a free project... making it even more fabulous.
Well... I did buy frog tape, which I fell in love with and could go on and on about right now... I will spare you, but if you are ever going to paint anything ever, ever again... BUY THE FROG TAPE!!!!
You're welcome.

Here's what I stared with... looks nice, but it was yawnsville after 7 years.

The Captain and I painted our dinning room awhile back and I LOVE the color. It is a soft dove grey. It is warm and bright and lovely. So I had just enough to repaint the wall. I cannot stress to you "just enough". I was scrapping the inside of the pail. And then I threw the pail away and forgot to get the name of the paint... I could kick myself! (because, and don't tell the Captain because he will just sigh and roll his eyes, I really want to repaint my bedroom that color...)
I took a silent nap time one day last week and painted the wall.

Then I sat and looked at it for 3 days in it's new and delightful shade of happiness... and decided it needed more... I needed more.
This wall had more to give, my friends... much more.

I decided on white chevron.
Bold, I know... but I am nothing if not bold and daring.

So with the Captain gone... and the boys out of the house, I went to work.
Actually, I make it sound like I rushed around and got busy knowing exactly what to do, when in all reality I sat staring at the wall for a good 20 minutes with the utter realization that I had no idea how to map out chevrons...and I was all alone and no one to help me.
Math and I are not friends. Not even acquaintances...
So after my new friends YouTube and Google and I joined forces it was a piece of cake a little less hard. It would have been easier with a second set of hands... I could have used a chalk line for most of the lines... but seeing as how I had just me, I used tape for all of it.

This was the LONNNNNNGGGGGGEEEEEEEEST most tedious thing.
But it was SO worth it.
I could hardly wait to take off the tape and see the final product.

And when I did, I just sat on the couch and basked in the warm glow of the chevron wall.
I think I heard a small angel chorus.
and harps.
It was glorious.

I still feel that way... I love it.
And the Captain does too. (I'm positive he heard harps and angels... but he would never admit it.)

Because it's awesome.

Also, we have this TV cabinet. It's as old young as our marriage, so...8 and a half years. It was WOBBLY. The Captain was scared that it was going to come crashing down on the kids because they are always climbing on it when I'm not looking. My response of "serves 'em right" was not good enough for him. Because we are not in the position to buy a new TV cabinet, I called in my dad to help me. He came over and helped me re enforce the back, and because the cheap back was coming off I took it out and replaced it with some fun fabric. Now when you open it, it's not so jank... and it is not a hazard to our offspring anymore either.


The Captain finished his radiation this week. He is now home for good.
I love looking over seeing his face. I love that the boys have their Daddy back all the time now.
I am thrilled that Andy can start to recover a bit, get his energy back up... start to heal.

His next MRI is scheduled for March 12. We have heard from doctors that we will probably not see any change on this first scan... or maybe even in the second scan about 3 months out. Hopefully, if the chemo and radiation worked/are working by the 3rd scan we should see something.
I have been praying that whatever we hear after this first MRI, it would be encouraging and hopeful.

Thank you for all the cards, texts, emails and prayers. We covet them all. We feel so loved and cared for it's crazy.

Thank you.


  1. true confessions....i had no idea what chevron was when I began reading this post....quite daring....and freakin' awesome!

  2. wow- you must have aced geometry. Nice job.

  3. I laughed when I read Julie's comment because when I told you it looked better than I imagined it was because I was imagining something that was not a "chevron" learn something new everyday! :)

  4. Very nice! Thank you for putting all of us to shame in the motivation department! haha

  5. That looks AMAZING!!!! And I have to say that I'm totally a math person, and your tape lines blew my mind!! :) YAY for something new and fresh and pretty to look at!

  6. I read your blog (and pray for your family) but I rarely comment. But I have to say that the chevron wall is getting me out of the shadows. That is AMAZING. When I saw the new plain color I thought that I really liked the brown better - but the stripes just changed the whole picture into something fabulous. Well done!
