Monday, February 4, 2013

In which I caption my life and Insta's

Do you miss my boys sweet faces?
I realized just the other day it has been many, many moons since I posted about them...
or put up some Insta's...
Are you having withdrawal symptoms from my neglect?

This post has no one specific point. I am just going to try and post some pics of what we have been up to the past few weeks, and comment the heck outta the pics.

Ready... it could be a long one.
(it's also entirely plausible that is you follow me on the FaceBook or the Instagram you could be quite bored with the recap.) 

The Captain is pretty worn out these days.
He comes home from getting his brain zapped with Radiation to two very energetic, rambunctious boys.
In a very real way he has no breaks... 
The boys are taking all the time they can with their daddy when he is home.
Even if it means just snuggle and movie time.

Ryder is adventurous. He ventures into places Rigg would only look at from afar. Ryder also gets himself into many a predicament. Most are pretty hilarious.
I'm the kind of mother who leaves a crying stuck child to go get my camera.

 I'm not sure what came through the house this day... but it wiped the energy our of all breathing souls within our walls. Ryder literally fell asleep on the hard to the dog.
I was kinda jealous.

 The boys love to vacuum. They are wanting to do so much themselves lately. I am all for handing over the cleaning.  They had a good time, and we had a very clean 'spot' on the rug.
It would seem they have a long way to go before they open their own sweeping business.

 This is a regular occurrence at our house. I'm still not quite sure what the appeal is, but they love sitting on their cars on the furniture. It gives a couple of my friends a slight heart attack... I say, it keeps them semi-quiet, busy and happy... go for it boys.

 Everybody loves it when daddy is home. Rigg has been such a marvel to watch as Andy has been gone. It has been so amazing to watch his little mind try to grasp concepts like daddy being away, daddy getting his head fixed by the Dr. Daddy's boo boo is in his head and you can't see it. Daddy's boo boo makes him really tired. How we have to pray for daddy and be brave.
It has been hard to give words to him in a way that I know he will fully understand... but he is trying.

 Everybody loves it when the Captain comes home!

 We received a care package in the mail last week from friends of friends. A couple I have only met once... years ago. She, her husband and her 4 small children packed some love, care and chocolate into a box for Andy, the boys and me. It was so touching. In fact, I can not really tell yo how often I have thought about her note, the love her children have for mine (kids they have never met) and the amazing encouragement it grew in me. Her 6 year old son prays for my boys everyday, and he prays they will be strong and courageous...
Blew my mind.
I cried more than a little that day.

I'm getting a bit lazy with ceremony around here.
Breakfast while watching a movie on the couch happens more and more.
I have no excuse.
I'm just really tired.

 I became insanely brave and bold and had my hair dyed RED.
I cannot express to you how happy I am that I did this. This is SO not like me. I have had the same cut and color almost my entire life. This was a huge risk for me. But I really, really, really like it.
I was doing my hair the other day after I had it done and Rigg was watching me. He came up to me and said, "Mom, you hair looks nice."
Thanks, buddy.

 Rigg has such a sweet spirit. He asked me the other day if we could take some pictures to send to daddy while he was at the DR. 
Some days I just want to eat him up he's so precious.

 Rigg came to be the other evening with a baseball mitt in his hand a a soccer ball in the other. He rounded the corner and very excitedly announced that he wanted to play basketball.
I laughed out loud.
Either we have a lot of work to do, or we have a future trumpet player.

I was folding and putting away laundry just the other day when this hooligan comes barrelling through the living room on his Buzz car... butt naked.
Side-splitting fantastic.
He was so happy. I have never met another kid who likes to be naked more than Ryder.
I let him continue his streaking a few minutes before I had to wrestle him back into a diaper.
This kid.

It's hard to keep the boys away from Andy when he is home. 
Even when he is trying to lay down.
They just want to be with him all the time.
Andy doesn't mind too much. He's a great dad.

I was gifted a few awesome clocks.
I'm a bit obsessed with them and their awesomeness.
AS I was trying to figure out exactly what to do with them, it occurred to me that I do not need three timepieces grouped together telling me all the exact same time.
Light bulb moment.
I have me three clocks... I have me three kids.
So I set each one of the clocks to a time one of my precious babies entered this world.
Caden is the small yellow: 3:27pm
Rigg is the big blue: 5:08 pm
Ryder is the round orangy-red: 12:17pm

I had to dig to find Caden's. The boys I could go back and look up on the blog (just another reason why I love this blog) but I started it after Caden was born. I had to go dig... and I mean dig in her memory chest to find the time. I did well... maybe it was the fact that I was on a mission, but I did not sit and cry or feel sad over her things. I actually smiled at them.
God is amazing the way he can heal a heart.

This child is wearing me out. Actually he is wearing me down.
He is pushy, stubborn, disobedient and loud.
But he is also a snuggler and a lover.. and has the cutes smile and shouts "I love you!" from inside his crib about 47 times at night before he goes to bed.
Just when I am ready to hit the button to post him on Ebay... he comes and lays his head on my shoulder and says, "mama. love you"
(save posting for another time) 

The Captain sent me flowers today.
Shouldn't he be the one getting flowers?
Silly Captain.
This is why he is amazing.

 This is Rigg's favorite song. He asks to listen to it all the time now. And he sings.
His sweet little 3 and a half year old voice singing "Bless the Lord, oh my soul." from the backseat gets me every time.
I love how his sweet spirit clings to these words of truth even before he can totally comprehend them.
God is amazing.


  1. I love them all. I especially love the one of Andy and the boys in bed snuggling. So precious! I also think the clock idea is so neat. Take care Red.

  2. Cari, I just love reading your blog and seeing all of your pictures. I love the picture of Ryder sleeping on the hardwood floor. What a hoot!

    I love the clock idea as well. We have two old clocks in the house that aren't working. I hope you don't mind if I steal your idea and set them with the times of my kids' birth. I also loves what you did with the rocks in a previous post. You have the greatest ideas for remembering the important moments in life.

    Lastly, 10,000 Reasons is my absolute favorite song. They sang it at church yesterday. I just can't hear it enough.

    Thanks for brightening my day with your joy, laughter and insight.

  3. I love your post, they are always so honest which is what I love about your blog!
    Three things:
    I love your honesty.
    I love those clocks and what you did with them-precious!
    Hope the Captain feels better soon.
    You incourage me to be more honest even if its not what I want to share. I have three kids and my smallest son is much like Ryder, they wear you down for sure.

  4. I love catching up with you! Your boys are so sweet and so cute! Keep the pictures coming. By the way, I love your red hair! It's beautiful and it suits you!

  5. The boys are so cute! The picture of Andy with them is really precious!And you look fabulous with the new colour of your hair!

  6. I laughed out loud at several of these...especially the clean "spot" on the carpet and the riding on furniture which makes others nervous! Great post.
