Thursday, November 29, 2012

Deleted post?

It seems one of my posts has been deleted...

I'm not sure how that happened... it was the one with all the pictures.

Sigh...and all your lovely comments.

I will try to get another one... with all the pictures back up again tomorrow.

Tonight I am too tired.

Andy is doing SO well.
I am amazed at what God has done.

Please kep praying... we are just at the begining/

until tomorrow...


  1. So crazy! That is weird that it does not show up on your blog because it is still visible on google reader for me. I can copy and paste it into an email if you'd like. My email is whoop2006 at gmail dot com - send me an email if you want me to email it. Sorry it won't replace all the comments though :(

  2. Found your blog a while ago. Debated whether to post or not but decided to. When my niece was 6 weeks old, she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. The doctors could not remove all of it. Chemo was very hard on her since she was so tiny and my brother and his wife elected to stop chemo after 2 or 3 sessions. The doctors told them to bring her home and prepare for her death. She turned 20 this past July. She has some developmental delays and is hearing impaired but she is here. Praying for a similar miracle for your captain.

  3. Cari,
    I have followed your blog, since Caden passed away. You have been such an inspiration to me. Through following you and praying for all of you, my faith has been made stronger. I have everyone praying for a miracle for Andy. Your faith, trust, love and thankfullness for all things that God has brought into your life is amazing. You are truly an example of how people should live. I've never posted before, but felt you needed to know what a shining example of God's love you are. Praying all during the day that you will have God's peace and of course the miracle of healing for Andy. We know that God still performs miracles.
    Thank you for all you have given.

  4. Carissa. I would love that!!! Couldn't find your email. Mine is carichastain Hope you check back...
    Thanks in advance!!!
