Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baby Michael

Remember when I talked about having friends that I have known forever?

Well one of those BFF's, the one I begged to start a blog... Lauren, she did.
 and she was expecting a bouncy baby boy in January.

I say was because he.. baby Michael...he arrived yesterday. Michael is 1 lb. 5 oz and 12 inches long. The Little guy is strong and seems to be a mighty fighter.
His mama and daddy are rejoicing over their new son... and praying hard for his little life. 24 weeks is pretty small.

But we all know when life seems small it opens up doors for God to do big things.

So we pray.

For strenth and health. For life and breath. For small, steady, little steps toward growth and home. We pray for rest and peace and comfort for Lauren and hubby.

and the great thing can pray to, and be apart of Michael's life... from his early begining...

Lauren has been a friend who has been there for me... I want to be there for her... and bringing a few extra prayer warriors along with me never hurts!

Please join me in praying for Lauren, her hubby and their new, very small, very precious son, Michael. They need it!

please do not forget K and S and their baby boy Judah...