Monday, January 3, 2011

An Addition

No I have not had the baby...

I added a little addition to this blog.
I have been putting off writing a "summary" of our story for lack of inspiration and lack of time. Well, not to say I was inspired or really had the time... but I did get it done.
Now if you are new to reading about my oh-so-exciting life,(said with much sarcasm) or started visiting after our "major events" and just want to read more, I have written a beginnings page.
It is linked to, on the sidebar under our profile.
Or just click here.

It was interesting to think through our last couple of years and try to sum it up. So much has happened... and reflecting on it was amazing. God is SO good. He has given and provided so much for us. He alone, as the author of the story, is worthy of praise and glory.
Although much of what we have been through was hard and wearing... the peace and hope God has provided us through the fire is comforting and empowering. If He has been proven faithful once...He will be proven so again... no matter the situation.

I hope you see Him in the story as much as I do.


  1. Cari,
    Be sure to post when baby #3 is here!!!!

    Best Wishes to you all,
    Kimberly Canada

  2. i'm getting caught up on the blog - a few posts behind - your christmas pictures are beautiful! Looking forward to news of Ryder!! Hope the ultrasound goes well!
