Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving ~ 2010

So we got a family picture this year... I remembered to charge the battery!
And let's not forget one with the belly...
If you look close, you can see Rigg got another spiffy haircut. He did well, until about halfway through when he vehemently exclaimed that he was "all done". I think the new "do" makes him look like a little man.

Rigg just LOVES his daddy... when the Captain comes home after work, Rigg squeals and breaks out in a jig of joy. Incidentally, I never get that sort of welcome home from him...

Now, an introduction...
This is Miss Macy. Miss Macy's mama {say that 3 times fast} is one of my dearest, longtime friends.

 She and her husband, and now Macy, live in NY, so visits are few and far between. You might remember I was visiting Macy's mama and daddy when I was unceremoniously whacked in the head by a metal bar from the mall ceiling... if not, that's cool...I forget sometimes myself, let's just hope the memory loss is not a side effect from the incident...
I got to meet Miss Macy for the first time this Thanksgiving. She is just 5 weeks old and a beautiful wee thing!
She and I have a special connection... I am not sure what it is, but I really liked her so I am sure she will feel close to me all her life.
You can follow Miss Macy and her life of adventure and intrigue right here if you are so inclined.

This Thanksgiving was a good one. No big highs or lows, which is good I suppose. We are still eating off leftovers. We are still wishing for the days daddy is here all day to play. We are still missing our precious Caden like crazy and I am sure we always will. At least until the day where we will all be together again... singing Praise and Thanksgiving to the One who is worthy.

Revelation 5:13
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”


  1. You look so pretty when your pregnant! I am 28 weeks pregnant and wouldn't dare of taking a picture! I look something like the marshmellow man!ha!

  2. Hey you - honored that Miss Macy made it onto your blog - you made it onto mine as well :) but I think it's more of an honor to be on yours.... :) she had the biggest puke i've ever seen this morning...all over me and the bed...then this evening she had the biggest poop I've ever seen! Moral of the story - I currently smell of puke and poop. Interestingly enough, "Mr. Lonely" left the exact same post on my blog...not sure who he is...just fyi. love you - miss you - hope to get more time with you over christmas (will we have "lady's night" when the guys have theirs?) - charlie looks like a real cutie!
