Monday, November 10, 2008

Tag...I'm it.

My dear friend Katherine tagged me for a fun game of sevens. If you are interested in hers, you can see them here. It has taken me so long to develop my list... I had a hard time thinking of 7 weird or quirky things about myself, or just things in general that people didn't know about me.
Well, here goes...

1. I am a Harry Potter nerd. I love it! I own and have read all of the books. I read the whole series through about once a year...yes I really do. (I am not such a huge fan of the movies, I could go on a small tirade about how they are completely different than the books and hardly do the well written words and magnificent plot justice, but I will spare you.)

2. I am a huge reader. I read about 2 - 3 books a week if I have enough. Last week I read 3 books and started a fourth. They can be anything really. I love old classics as well as children's/pre-teen books, to science fiction to biography's. Anything as long as it is written well and can hold my attention. I have probably only not finished a book a handful of times in my life.

3. I simply refuse to leave the house without mascara. One day about a year and a half ago, I went to work, stopped in at the bathroom, realized I had forgotten my mascara and immediately left, went down the street to the CVS and bought some. I quickly applied it to my naked lashes before stepping foot back inside the building. It was a terrifying 15 min.

4. I LOVE school/office supplies and am freakishly annal about the organization of such items. I love the little drawer organizers. I would buy scads of things just to help organize the office here at home if I had the $$. I positively swoon when I enter a staples or office depot.

5. I am a napper. LOVE to nap. I am not talking a 30 min snoozer either. I am talking at least 2 hours. If you do not have a 2 hour do not have enough time for a nap! I was a big napper before I ever got pregnant. When I was pregnant with Caden, I was a champ. Now with this new baby, I have excelled in all of my napping capabilities. Ahhh, I am getting sleepy just thinking about it.

6. I CANNOT wear black and brown together. I am well aware of both of these colors being neutral in all their shades and tones, as well as Stacy and Clinton telling myriads of people that they can certainly go together in an outfit because although they do not match, "they go". NO! I cannot! I have tried, I look in the mirror and have to immediately correct what is in my mind a HUGE mistake. Black with black and brown with brown...sorry Stacy and Clinton...

7. When I am having a hard time falling asleep at night, I make up stories in my head. Usually involving me and my husband or friends. Elaborate details and crazy plots...sometimes we are kings and queens. Other times we are pioneers headed west. Always in another place and another time. I always fall asleep before I can finish them. So I never really know how I would end a story...oh well

there you go folks. All my crazy out for all to see. Hoped you have enjoyed it. I am tagging Heather, Cristi , Stacey and Richard.


  1. And you called Elizabeth weird! I have not read one Harry Potter book - I guess I may have to look into it although I am not a huge fiction reader. I like true stories and biographies.

  2. You do have very white eyelashes. If you had lived in olden times I wonder if people would have thought you were and albino? Something to think about when you're making up your stories...

  3. I didn't want to say anything, but thank you Gretchen for pointing out the obvious.....

  4. Now that I know these quirky things, I will no longer be sitting with you at Bible study. Then again, maybe I better just in case you decide to take one of your 2 hour naps during the lecture! :) Just kidding...I loved reading your list! Very funny!!

  5. I am the same way. Well, not totally. Just about mascara. But seriously, I look like I'm 12 without it! Oh, and eyelashless!

    I would like to say though, that I am just a wee bit scared of you now.

  6. you and michael really are cut from the same cloth! he loves harry potter and organizing -- and i think he would love mascara were he a woman. but then we wouldn't be married, so aren't we all glad he's not a woman?

    so wish i could have come this weekend, but i'm glad my husband got to love on your family. can't wait to see you in FIVE weeks!

  7. I'm with you on the mascara. Must be a fair-skinned thing. I remember my first mascara experience was for "The Pledge"...

  8. HI!
    I love your Harry Potter craziness! That's what Molly and I love about you! Have you read the Twilight books? They are amazing as well!
    And yearbook never would have run smooth if it weren't for your organization techniques!
    Loved you list!

  9. How come I'm the only dude on here?
    Oh well, ATA BOY ANDY!!!!!!!!

  10. michael coming to see you was NOT an inconvenience. we're both really glad he could come. judah and i had a relaxing weekend while he was traveling. the inconveince was his decision to get bumped and the the weather delays. but, only One person i know can control the weather :) it's all good!
    love you, too, friend!
