Friday, November 14, 2008

Remember with me.

I had a good thought for a new post. But as I sit here to write it....I am too tired.

I miss my baby girl. Today I cannot get my thoughts in order, Everytime I started to type, I thought of my beautiful Caden.

I love thinking of her, although I still cry almost everytime I do. Remembering her feels sad and happy all at the same time and is, in a way, all we have of her.

Remember my Caden with me.

(please go to the music on the righthand side and pause it to hear the video.)

Also if you have time, check out the newest on this blog. She is such a good writer and I feel like she is writing for me...


  1. oh, friend, i'm crying with you this morning as i remember her sweet face and laugh at her funny expressions (seriously, big huge tears, not the tiny ones!).

    i so wish we'd been able to spend more time with caden, but i'll never forget the first time we met her. she was such a wee baby. that dark hair! she was such a precious girl.

    for what it's worth, i'll remember with you anytime you want.

  2. I love to think about how much Caden loved you and Andy....I think a lot about the pacifier game where you put it in you mouth and how much fun she thought that was!! And that time she actually furrowed her brow at me! I never saw a mom and baby have so much fun together. Sweet baby girl. I miss her so much. You wrote that you are still crying when you think about her? I don't think we'll ever stop crying. And that's ok. I like the Bring the Rain's's a beautiful way to look at being reunited with Caden. One day you will get to ask "where is she?"

  3. I am a new reader to your blog but I have to let you know my heart goes to you. I can't even begin to imagine what you are experiencing but will continue to pray for you and your family. She is never forgotten and it's wonderful to remember her and her bright smile and sweet face. Will say an extra prayer for you today. Hugs.

  4. The kids and I remembered with you today as we watched the movie over and over at their request. I ache for you, Cari.

    I also want you to know that the music on your page really ministered to me today. You know how you can hear a song a million times, but then one day it just really registers in a new way? Well, today is one of those days.

  5. so precious. so precious.

    I'm crying again.

  6. Such a sweet video. I watched it yesterday and again this morning. Remembering, praying, and crying with you, Cari.

  7. Cari, I want to invite you over on Thursday evening at 6.15p. Our cooking club is just doing a cookie exchange and having dinner and we'd love to have you join us! After all, who else is going to eat that extra piece of chicken I'm making? :)

  8. I didn't know Caden personally, but I know how much your mom loves to talk about her :). I love to talk to Trish about your precious little can just see the love she has for Caden, how proud she is of you and Caden too.
    Remembering with you every day...

  9. I never know for sure if I should bring her up or not. But you know the memory I have of her that sticks out the most is of her laughing and smiling at her Grandpa Chastain as he was playing with her outside the nursery that one time. I could not believe how happy she looked and I know I mentioned that to you. That is the way I remember her - never ever sad or cranky. I am sure she was at some point, but I never saw her that way. We are still praying for you and my heart still aches for you both. It is truly precious that you started this blog of her and that you have the wonderful videos of her. Please come and eat cookies with us!
