Sunday, September 29, 2013

Against all odds... I enjoyed the ocean

The Captain, the boys and I just got back from a trip. I say trip and not vacation... because we took the boys, which are still quite a bit of work... and work plus little to no real relaxation equals a trip and not a vacation.
We traveled by car to Hilton Head Island. Which is lovely... if you have never been... I highly recommend it. Blessed by the gift of a free place to stay for the week, and us with no previous engagements... made for an opportunity we couldn't have acquired on our own. It was super close to the beach so we were able to go at least once everyday... if not more. It was a bit cloudy and rainy.. but that didn't stop us. The boys loved playing in the sand and chasing the seagulls... so clouds and rain were of no consequence.
We did have a few obstacles in our way... Rigg and Ryder both had fevers for days. Rigg was so feverish and lethargic at one point I panicked (aided by a call to the physician on call back home) and took him to the ER... resulting in a very kind Dr. telling me he was sick... but had to other declarative symptoms... I would just have to watch him
He became right as rain the very next day.
Only for Ryder to fall victim to the ugly virus.
And then Ryder took it upon himself to up my stress level by bringing out his inner artist... and coloring on the wall... of a house owned by friends... who were kindly letting us stay for the week.
I think I still have a twitch.
The boys might have had a fever, but it did not stop them from playing  and enjoying the beach.
We were able to go with some close friends... which was a life saver for me.
With a husband who has very little energy, sick kids who seemed worse at night and needed lots of attention... having 2 extra sets of hands and two other kids for the boys to play with was such a blessing. Not to mention I love them like family and it was so fun to share memories...and 12 hour drives with them.

  Cristi and I have been friends since 8th grade, so it is fun to now share our families and kids with each other. I love that.

All too soon it was time to pack up and head home. They boys and I spent our last afternoon at the beach in hoodies and "real clothes" because of the drizzle. They built 900 sandcastles, or I should say Rigg built them... Ryder demolished them. They chased birds and looked for "treasure". I sat, watched them and soaked up the waves and the big, big, ocean for the last time. We said about 45 goodbyes to the waves, the ocean the sand and the birds... and then we went back to pack...
and then I got a fever
and didn't sleep.
But we got everything packed up and in the van.
The Captain was feeling well enough to help out with the drive back. Which was nice because I drove the whole way there... and with a fever driving for 12 hours by myself seemed daunting.
We got home, put the boys to bed and my parents and In-laws have saved the day(s) since.
I have had almost 2 whole days t recover from my vacation trip fever... whatever.
I am so glad we went. It was so much fun to show God's big, beautiful ocean to the boys for the first time. They loved it. I had a good time, despite life trying to get me down, and the last two days of resting have been really nice.
Maybe I should get sick more often.
Just kidding...kinda.


  1. aw geeez. I didn't realize you all had been sick. Stink. Those are some precious pictures.

  2. Such beautiful memories. Isn't the ocean the best? Wonderful medication for what ails you. I am thrilled you had a great time, work, fevers, and all. :)

  3. I would love to contact you on email. My husband also has brain cancer.

    I emailed you in the account that is listed in your profile too.

  4. I don't know you, but am amazed at the things you get through!

  5. We went this summer and my husband had a fever and was sick for 3 days. Maybe it's something about Hilton Head ;) We travel to North Carolina every year and actually almost always get sick. I think it has a lot to do with the altitude from the mountains we drive through. Glad you guys got away!!
