Monday, June 24, 2013

We have a 4 year old!

Last Wednesday, June 19th, Rigg turned four.
He had been looking forward to his birthday since he turned three.
So, as you can imagine, he was super excited.
On the actual day of his birthday we hung out as a family and let Rigg pick what he wanted to do.
He chose the zoo, which has an excellent splash zone in addition to all the animals.
(Ryder has been talking my ear off about the baby elephant since we went...)
After a lunch at home and a gloriously long nap... we had ice cream (before dinner...WOW!)
Letting him choose his own birthday dinner lead us to McDonalds... shocker, I know... and then back home to watch a movie.
The very next day we went to the park and had cupcakes with friends. It was a HOT morning and both he boys were red faced and sweaty by the time we headed home. (and they slept like college kids on a Saturday morning for naps... )
Rigg's "official" birthday party was Saturday evening. He had been talking about his "birthday decorations" for dayzzzz. So, the Captain went all out. Rigg wanted Transformers, so Transformers is what he got! You cannot make Transformers cute, lovely, or in anyway adorable... so I didn't even try... and Rigg was thrilled!
He walked around just staring at the banners and telling anyone who would listen all the character's names and what they did, said or what weapon they wielded...
Since he is four, once everyone arrived we let him dive into his presents. He got everything he asked for and more. Of course the boy got Transformers... which took about a half an hour to open, another half an hour to read the PAGES of instructions (which Rigg calls constructions) and an engineering degree to actually turn the blasted things from robots to cars...
I am proud to announce that I can now transform Optimus Prime and Bumblebee into their respective vehicles and back again without any instructions whatsoever. Thank you, thank you... I will be here all week.
 (totally sneaking in this pic of the Captain and me... because it's my blog and I can do whatever I want...)
Rigg also received a big-boy bike which he is oh-so-excited about.
My favorite presents of Rigg's were 3 new pieces of artwork to hang in his bedroom. Comic book cover replicas. They are super awesome and look amazing in his room.
After presents we did cake and ice cream. The birthday boy was so stoked about all his new gear he said no to cake! I was dumfounded! Rigg has never said no to cake.
No worried though, he had some right before bed... it was his birthday after all!
The Captain and I are so proud of Rigg. He has such a sweet and sensitive little spirit... he can be hard to parent some days, but He is worth every second. We are so thankful to God for this sweet gift that is Rigg!
Happy Birthday, buddy! We love you!


  1. 1. wow. Can't believe he is 4 already....geez.

    2. excellent job with the decorations!

    3. The kid kinda had more of a birthweek than a birthday.

    4. your hair looks great.

  2. Loved this post. Made me smile throughout the pics and stories!

  3. Love reading all about Rigg's 4th birthday! I remember the post about him being born! My time flies! =) And I must say...More pictures of you & the Captain! You guys look amazing!

  4. Happy birthday to Rigg! Seems like yesterday your blog was all about his nursery decor. :) I love the picture of you and Andy. He looks like he's doing we'll and, like Julie said, your hair looks amazing! :)

  5. Hubby looks like he is feeling great! Happy birthday Rigg!!
