Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We went to the oncology appointment.

Against my will.

I was twitchy all morning... and the waiting room made me want to scream.
But they had Bibles laying around... points were scored for the cancer building.

We were called back alarmingly fast... such a blessing, as I was not able to sit there coming apart at the seems.

The doc was great. Such a neat man. He gave us hope... and we left encouraged.

We are scheduled to see a specialist. She specializes in malignant gliomas. Which Andy has... stage 4.

Standard treatment is radiation and Chemo.
The same chemo the Captain took last time... which I think is good because we know what to expect. There are other therapies and treatments out there, the specialist will be able to tell us what is best and most beneficial for Andy and his tumor. (maybe we should name it if it is going to be such a big part of our lives...)

Statistics show that the use of standard treatment has a success rate of 25%. That is 25% of people with the same kind of glioma as the Captain are in remission or disease free after 2 years.
That leaves 75% that we do not want to think about...

So we won't.

25% is, quite honestly, much better than I was expecting.
We'll take it.
Somebody has to fill up that 25% ... so why not Andy?

This is still the beginning of a very long, most likely, hard road. We still need your prayers. We are still praying for a miracle. I do not care how God chooses to do it.. I am just excited to see it happen.
We know NO MATTER WHAT, God loves us and will be here with us through it all.

Pray for Andy's miracle.

Or... for Jesus to return, which would be SO MUCH better!!!

Lord, come quickly.


  1. i've been checking the blog all morning and praying at the same time. love to you all-di

  2. Been thinking about you guys ALL day...thanks for the update on what the dr said. Just know that there are LOTS of us thinking, hoping, and praying for and with you that Andy is the 25%.

    Lots of love and hugs,
    The Sabo's

  3. I just found your blog through a prayer request. Oh my, where to even start. First I went back and read the story of your family! Thanks for that! Your baby girl was absolutely precious. I'm so sorry she left here so early and pray you can all be with her again soon.

    Secondly I am praying for your sweet husband. More than one person should ever have to deal with especially when they are supposed to be chasing little boys around the house! I pray he can be doing that again soon!

    Cari, I am praying for you also. I pray for your patients and grace as you have to take care of all 3 men in your life now and over the coming months. I pray for peace for you as your days get crazy and life gets harder. I love the way you write. It is so so real and easy to relate to.

  4. I just learned of your story through a prayer request on twitter. I will not stop praying.

  5. I will be praying for you and your family. Andy has such a positive light shining through in his pictures, I can imagine what a joy he is to know in real life! I had followed y'all from way back and for some reason was prompted to google you bc I hadn't been reading blogs in too long. That was about 2 weeks ago and now this. It had to be God sending in your prayer warrior and I will stay here praying until this cancer is GONE! If anyone can do it, surely it will be the CAPTAIN! xoxo
    Lin in Florida

  6. Continuing to pray for you and Andy.
    God is good, He is big, and He is in control.
    Sounds trite, but it is truth.
    Love and prayers for you guys!

  7. Been thanking God all day for some hopeful news....feel like I can take a breathe now. :) Macy requested tonight that we "pray for Mr. Andrew" and so we thanked God for today's news. We will be praying for "Mr. Andrew" daily.....multiple times a day really.... Hugs

  8. The first thing I did today after coming home from work was checking your blog. Yesterday
    there was no news and my heart sank. Today I am filled with hope!
    Praying for Andy, praying for a miracle!Somehow I feel sure Andy (and you by his side) will win this battle!!!

  9. I know you don't know us, but our family is praying for yours. God bless all of you.

  10. God bless you and your family. Miracles happen every day.
    Your faith is inspiring. Hang on. Help is on the way.

  11. Praying every day for you and your beautiful family! Go 25%!!!!

  12. Praying for you and your family. Our God is big and faithful and sovereign. It breaks His heart that you and Andy are going through this. He loves you and so do so many people.

  13. Every day holds the possibility of a miracle and I am praying for your family.


  14. I learned of your blog through Jamie's post on facebook. My heart breaks for you and your husband for everything you have gone through and continue to go through. Your faith in God is amazing and truly inspires me. I wanted you to know that I will be praying for God to bring you and your family peace and healing. May it be a comfort to you to know that people are praying for you near and far.

  15. With God, all things are possible. It sounds so simple, yet so hard to grasp in times like this. He's bigger than the 25% and wiser than the doctors and He loves you all fiercely.

    I am praying for you and your miracle.
