Friday, August 17, 2012


Because I used instagram like an addict this week.
but mostly
because I remembered in enough time to actually download my pics and post them...
(you can follow me on instagram, my username is carichastain)

So... my week in picture and comment form...

My boys love playing under the blanket. It makes for hours minutes of enjoyment and laughter... and fighting, and shoving, and concussions and suffocation...
but mostly enjoyment and laughter.

a church semi-near me has an awesome play land. Seriously. It's this huge room full of padded things to climb on and tunnels to crawl through and slides...  a kids dream come true. As well as a mama's. 2+ hours of happy play while I got to sit and chat with my friend. Amazing.

So Ryder is in love with Mickey Mouse.  He covets Rigg's stuffed Mickey. When Rigg is otherwise engaged, Ryder sits on Rigg's bed and rubs noses with Mickey... it happens everyday and it might be the cutest thing I have ever seen.

This picture totally is my life.
Rigg was singing Veggie Tales and Ryder was yelling "GO! Go!Go!" at the top of his lungs. 
everyday... all day, this is what we do.
oh... and this picture makes me so happy I could just die.

When one gets up way too early, one gets to watch Larry Boy save Bumblyburg on the "pa-pu-ger".
It's also a big bonus because you can bring your favorite dog friend.
Rufus seems to like Larry Boy.

Good friends, Pixar, sitting way too close to the TV...perfect day.

A card came in the mail with a gift. No name. No return address. Just one simple overwhelming desire. Be blessed. It's in this kind of love-made-tangible that I see my God. He is once again, in a not so subtle way, reminding me how He loves, cares and provides for His own.
To whomever... thank you is not enough...

and you...
Be blessed!


  1. Dear Cari!
    You made me smile, you filled my heart with joy,you made me happy!!!
    Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and the comments!
    Love your family!!!

  2. Wow! What church has that playground? My Ryder and I are always looking for things in the Indy area to do!
