Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Mother's Day gift

It's no secret.
Every year I ask for the same Mother's Day gift.

And I LOVE it.

I ask for family pictures.
I love getting pictures around the same time every year to see how the boys grow, how they change.
My hope is that we can do this every year so that by the time they are teenagers I have to beg for weeks in advance for good attitudes and no photos of rolling eyes...
it is something to look forward to.  ;)

This year we met up with Melissa from Willow Grove Photography.  Who is awesome. She is super adorable and so easy going. She has 4 kids of her own, so I feel no need to apologize for the behavior of my boys... at least no need to apologize at length.
She spent an hour at the park with us on a gorgeous afternoon.
She captured our family as it is right now.
the running-will-not-stay-still boys
the paci-sucking Ryder
the chatter-box Rigg
the beautiful chaos that is young children

the God given gift that is my family.

Here are some a ton of my favorite shots.



  1. Love them all!!! What a beautiful family.

  2. Those are precious! I really love the family picture~ priceless! :)

  3. Love it - I love the boys on the slide and their smiles. So good!

  4. Love it - I love the boys on the slide and their smiles. So good!
