Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I turn 30.

I love my birthday. I look forward to it every year, and this yearwas no different. The Captain was giving me the day off. No kids... sweet. I planned my morning and early afternoon to include shopping, friends and good food.

And then, right before I left the house I see my phone...

1 missed call from my mom, and 2 from my dad.

My Mamaw, my mom's mom, was taken to the hospital... and it didn't look good.

So instead of my original plans I went to the hospital to be with her... with my family.

My Mamaw, Lola, went to be with Jesus just before noon.  I was able to sit next to her, squeeze her hand and tell her how much I love her. I also asked her to snuggle my sweet Caden and brush Caden's hair for me...

My Mamaw was an awesome woman. She was a wizz in the kitchen, loved the color red... for everything... loved Jesus, wore 4 inch heels and couldn't get enough of  "the babies" as she called her great-grand kids.  She cared so much for other people and took care of everyone she could lay her hands on.

I have cried all morning.  But I know I will see her again.  It is not goodbye... it is just see you soon.
I hope it is really soon.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.


  1. Oh Cari, I am so sorry to hear that. She was so beautiful!!Will be praying for your family...

  2. Happy Birthday.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandmother. I'm glad you got to be with her before she passed. ((hugs))

  3. Cari, I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope is a gift. Keep holding onto it. Someday soon....

  4. I'm so sorry~ especially that it happened on your birthday. My family was called in the day before my 42nd birthday~ my Mimi wasn't doing well. She managed to hang on for eleven days.
    When my uncle was dying, I drove five hours to tell him "goodbye." After he went to Glory, my sister asked me if I actually told him that. I didn't. I said, "I'll see you later." And I will~ I'm looking forward to it.
    Your MaMaw was a lovely lady! :)

  5. Cari, I am so sorry for your loss.I understand the oddness of losing someone so close on your birthday. I lost my grandmother the day after my 19th birthday and we were two peas in a pod. She died on the day in between mine and my uncle's birthday so on the weekend where we would normally be together celebrating, we were together crying. It is tough. Hold on to your beautiful memories.

  6. 1st happy birthday to a fellow January 6th baby! 2nd so sad for your "goodbye" this side of Heaven. Praying that your entire family is comforted during this difficult time and that next year your birthday will still be special because of her going home. Hugs!

  7. We are so sorry to hear of you Grandmother's passing. I know she is up in Heaven rocking that beautiful Caden, telling her how much she is loved. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  8. So sorry for your loss, I bet Caden has shown your dear grandmom all around Heaven by now.

    One day you will join them and oh will they have lot's to show you.

  9. "With the Lord a day is like thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" ,Peter,3:8
    I beleive that our earthly years are like minutes for our beloved ones who live in the realm of God... They will not wait for us long...
    Dear Cari, I am so sorry for your loss; but well, - you are really blessed to have had the opportunity to hold your Mamaw's hand to the end! Few people have had this moment...
    Belated congratulations on your birthday! Number 6 is one of the best numbers to be born under (Indian Numerology).

  10. We are so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your beautiful grandmother. She seemed lovely.

  12. I love that pic of Lola and Caden....what a great way to imagine them together now.

