Saturday, December 17, 2011

DIY ~ family pictures

Long, long ago, during a time known as Thanksgiving, my family tried to get a family picture...

just one was all we wanted...

and by "we" I mean my mom... and Sara... and me...

And we tried, we really did.

We got all gussied up,

we set up a tri-pod with the camera...

we FINALLY got the remote to work after messing

and fidgeting

and monkey-ing

and sweating

and then we let Ryan be in charge of hitting the button...

why? I don't know...

And this is what we got...

I call it... Disintegrating Family Photos...

Ryan, you coming, or what?

Oh dear, Ryder...

It will help if we switch places...and give Ryder a prop...
Oh, Charlie...
Rigg, look at the camera, buddy...
Ryan! A warning before the button is hit! Thank you!

Really, Captain? Really?


Creepy, Andy... EXTREMELY creepy...

RYAN!!! Quit hitting the button... we are done!
Ryan kinda looks like a priest in this one...

and after all that... we kinda got one.
I'll accept this one.

We did, however, get a decent shot with just our little family...

and a nice one of the Captain and me.

Afterwards, I needed ( a lot of ) chocolate and a nap.


  1. I just laughed my way through those! :) Your hair looks very pretty, by the way.

  2. Absolutely hilarious. Your family is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. that first picture is amazing. :) and I agree with Lindsey, your braid is super-cute! :)

  4. I love love all those pictures! A true family picture experience!!!!!!

  5. You may not have wanted to post these...Andy may be on some sort of surveillance list now....

  6. Yes I was laughing out loud or LOL whatever. The pictures were great - the captions were better!

  7. I love all of them! They're real! :) Merry Christmas, Cari and family!
