Tuesday, September 13, 2011

count your blessings

remember about 97 years ago when I told you I was repainting my living room?
OK... about 2 months ago...

anyway, I repainted... almost the exact same color of cream... but now it is a cleaner cream.

Before I repainted I had a photo wall... I loved it.

then I had kids

and toys multiplied by the thousands in my itty-bitty living room

and my photo wall with all its lovely black frames started to feel like it was falling on me and crowding me out of my living room...

I had to simplify.


I started me some brain-storming.

and in a moment of sheer genius I seized upon an idea most brilliant.

and then I had to be patient whilst I gathered all the materials that it would require to finally construct the "idea most brilliant".

I need be patient no more.

My big blank wall is blank no longer.

Feast your eyes internet...

Upon my blessings

and my wall

of brilliance

{ and humility }


  1. Oh my gosh. That's incredible. I love it. And yes, sheer genius. :o)

  2. Wow! It turned out beautifully! I love it!!

  3. I am pinning this one on pinterest! Amazing!

  4. Soooo great! What a beautiful expression of your loving family.

  5. brilliant,brilliant!!!
    pleasure for the eye and the soul...

  6. I thought there might be a 4 on that wall! :) Looks very cute!

  7. That looks awesome Cari! I love it. And I love the numbers...for your three precious kiddos. Perfect.

  8. It is a simple, but so perfect! Well done! I can sympathize with the overwhelming feeling of lots of pictures and a gazillon baby and toddler items everywhere!

    You are so creative!

    Blessings to you and your family!

  9. Beautiful display! Very creative, Cari. :)

  10. nicely done - this pinterest worthy.

  11. Cari! That looks fantastic! We need to come down soon and see you guys!
