Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Calling all prayer warriors...

From deep in my heart I issue a request... a plea.

prayer for a young and hurting family.

I got word this morning a family lost their baby boy. Judah. 2 weeks young...now with Jesus.

Although Judah, now pain free, is rejoicing and praising... his mama and daddy are hurting... deep, gut wrenching hurt.

Let's come together and pray for them now. For strength, for comfort and the peace that only our Savior can bring. Pray for loving hands to be there when they need them. To hold, hug, clean, comfort, care, pray , cook... to love them in their time of much need.

I know how much it meant to me to discover how many people were thinking and praying for us... who didn't even know us. To know my baby... her life had impacted and affected people all over... to learn "her story" was being used by God to bring hope and joy... and bringing people back to Christ was more encouraging and comforting to be then I can express.

Let us give them K and S, who have just handed their precious son, Judah, over to Jesus,  this gift. A gift of prayer... encouragement, comfort and hope....

PLEASE leave a comment for them here... where they can come and read them. Pass their story along so we can join together and lift them before the Throne of Grace and hopefully bring them comfort and peace.

We are needed now.

Hebrews 10:25 do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


  1. My heart breaks for you. may you truly know what it means to know the peace of Christ. I pray that God will hold you in his arms while you grieve.

  2. Dear Judah's Mommy & Daddy, I know you are hurting right now. I know you miss him. I know you miss the smell that was filling the house, and the sounds that were just beginning... may the Lords mighty hand cover you right now in this time. May His comfort be all that makes you feel complete! May HE be who you fall deeply in love with during this difficult time. Know you are not alone! Hold tight to the weeks you had with Judah. Hold tight to the Lord. We are holding tight to prayer all across the nation as you mourn.
    With much love, and many prayers from WA State,

  3. Through my daughter who is a member of your church, I've been praying for you this past week and for baby Judah as he struggled in this life. My heart breaks for you as you released him to Jesus this morning. Our Lord lists your tears on a scoll (Ps 56:8), may He be your source of strength as you grieve. One day you will see your little one again - whole and healthy, until then may you be comforted by God, His Word, and other believers who are lifting you up to Him.

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son, Judah! I am praying for you and asking God to comfort and carry you both.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My heart breaks for you. Keep trusting in God. I am praying for you.

  7. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray for K and S as their hearts are breaking right now. Lord, I can't pretend to know their deep pain, but I do know that YOU are the God of all comfort who comfort us in our times of need and trial. Be near to them in this moment. May they experience your presence and your peace in a whole new and real way, God. Thank you for the short time they had with little Judah. We can't begin to understand your ways, but take comfort in knowing that they are good...despite our pain. Lord, I now pray that you would remind me of them and pray for them often over the next days, weeks, and months. Wrap your loving arms around them.
    In Your Precious Name,

    "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain."
    -C.S. Lewis

  8. Heavenly Father, We ask that you would comfort Judah's family as only you can. Show them that you are near to them right now. Cause their hearts to turn toward each other and you in their grief. Give those around them wisdom to love and care for them right now, and in whatever way they can, understanding of what this family is feeling and thinking. Amen.

  9. Judah's Mom and Dad,
    I'm praying that God will hold you close and keep you safe in the comfort of His arms. May He bring you His peace as you deal with the awfulness of the situation. You are loved by a great and mighty God, and by all of us who read here. Know that even when the comments slow, our prayers will not. I can't imagine the road you are now asked to walk. Blessings to you!

  10. Praying for you both, K and S, as you endure such pain.

    (And praying for you too this week, Cari! We remember sweet Caden.)

  11. Thoughts and prayers are with you from So Cal. I can't imagine your pain.

  12. K and S...
    I am so sorry for your loss. I pray you will be comforted by your faith in Jesus. I pray that you will know total strangers are praying for your strength, comfort and peace. I pray you are comforted knowing sweet Judah is in God's arms. Bless you.

  13. K and S, you are in my prayers. May you feel God's comfort during this difficult time.

  14. My thoughts and prayers are for you from Bulgaria. My heart is bleeding because I know what you are going through: my daughter lost her first baby...I remember the horror and the devastation, and the question:why...
    Whatever I say will be of little comfort for you, I know.But listen to this only one thing:
    We know that God, our Lord is gracious!!! He gave us twins on the next year!!!Two beautiful girls!!!

  15. To little Judah's parents,
    I too lost a baby, and then I lost my husband. I know your hearts are broken and you feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Please take comfort in knowing our loving Father is there, and I hope and pray that you can feel His arms as they wrap around you now, even as He greets and holds your precious little one as well. Many hugs and prayers of healing for your hearts are coming from a little town in Indiana. God bless you and keep you.

  16. God is. He is love, He is peace, He is sovereign. I pray that He gives you His peace, His love, His joy. Nothing can take away the pain, but with Him, you can get though it until He brings you back together again.

  17. Just a stranger wanting to let you know someone in Pittsburgh is praying for your peace and comfort. May God's supernatural rest be placed on your spirits.

  18. I have been praying for you since I posted this... you come to mind so often... so when you do I pray. God is working... right now, in the pain, in the hurt... He is working, and one day we will see the end result. And it wil be beautiful. I promise to continue to pray for you.
    It will get easier.
    until then,
    I will pray...

  19. My heart aches for you even though I don't know you. And I am praying for God to comfort you and fill you with His peace and presence. Every life is special. Every life matters. Every life has purpose. I am so, so very sorry for the loss of your precious Judah. I cannot begin to imagine...
