Thursday, June 2, 2011

his first tooth

I made a discovery today.

It seems that the copious amount of drool Ryder has been producing lately has been a mere side effect of a much larger circumstance.

My sweet, sweet boy has drooled, gnawed, slobbered and gummed his first tooth into existence.

At first, when I was astonishingly exclaiming my joy at his first big boy accomplishment, Ryder was a tish taken aback.

I have a what growing out of where?

However, seeing his concern, I quickly explained that this was a normal and very healthy step in his development... and that with teeth, he can someday eat yummy things like steak and cookies... or inappropriately defend himself from his older brother...

He seemed to be fine after that.


  1. I love how you announce things and the pictures are perfect! Such a big accomplishment for such a little baby! :)

  2. wow! teething must be so horrific - glad we don't remember it....
