Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the avoidance of all things internet

I do not think I have ever gone so long without posting...

We have not been any busier than usual... I have just chosen to do other things with my rare free time, like laundry, dishes, play outside with the kids, shower, read books and nap... or just crash on the couch and watch a movie. I think I needed the extra me time lately, which included the avoidance of all things internet. The past couple of weeks have been rough and busy... and good too.. I have just felt very overwhelmed and stressed and emotional. You know... how almost all young moms feel at times, I am sure. I have wanted to sit and write a few meaningful posts... but I just have not had the time to really do it well. Maybe soon.

Anyhoo... we have spent some really great time with family the last few days. Aunt Sara and Charlie came for a visit. It is fun to have babies around the same age. Charlie and Ryder get a kick out of staring at each other... and it is super cute to watch. Charlie is getting so big and adorable... and so is Ryder if I do say so myself.  I realize he turned 5 months and I did not post pictures... I have a very good reason for this....

I did not take any.

My life got away from me...

I am working on getting pictures back up in my living room after I painted it.. you know, 3 weeks ago...
I am wanting to put a picture of each of the kiddos up. I did not have a really great one of Ryder to use, so I spent some time yesterday morning trying to capture his essence... or just a decent smile. Ryder performed wonderfully... Rigg not so much, I just cannot get that boy to stand still!
So to make up for my lack of info, pictures and really any form of a post... I will leave you with some shots from yesterday. 

I think Ryder looks so much like Caden.  Really, they could have been twins. It makes me smile to see so much of her in him. It makes me sad a little too. I have been picking him up and sqeezing and smooching the wahoozits out of him when I think of Caden... which is a lot lately.  Poor guy... a crazy lady for a mom... oh well, at least he doesn't seem to mind too much now... but maybe it will change when he is 16...


  1. He won't mind you squeezing on him. How could you resist those cheeks and rolls anyway?! :)
    Both boys are too precious!

  2. So cute! What color did you paint your walls? I just painted my living room Amazon Stone, which is a gray color.

    Did you take pictures of Charlie & Ryder staring at one another??
