Wednesday, May 25, 2011

~ 4 months ~

Ryder has achieved more in his 4 months of life then most...

By more, I mean more weight and more length. Chunky Monkey is off the charts again. It was to be expected, he is rapidly outgrowing every outfit I find, as well as giving several nice lady's in the church nursery hernias... just kidding, I hope...

At 4 months Fatty McGee reaches and grasps at toys or Mommy's hair. He happens to have the grip of what I can only assume a professional rock climber strives to attain, making the said grasping of mommy's hair a rather painful experience overall...

This is a boy who LOVES to talk. (a child after my own heart) Ryder will expound freely, if given the chance, about his oh-so-exciting day and all the in's and outs of his busy life. The only thing he seems to enjoy more then the sound of his own voice is what we call face time. Ryder loves him some face time. Just throw all personal space norms to the winds... that's right, he wants you right up in his grill. Of course huge smiles and wild gestures and animated talk must follow... yours, if you want a top-notch reaction.

Ryder is by far the happiest, smiliest baby we have had. Caden was content anywhere and everywhere with any one or any toy, Rigg was chill- all the time- . With Ryder, smiles and giggles are so easy to come by... just get in his face. This also means he can be the grumpiest baby we have had...if he is ready for entertainment and you are busy, say, cooking dinner or kissing his older brother's invisible boo-boos after he has tried to ride the dog like a horse, he will inevitably let you know...loudly and with much gusto.

Ryder (The Bruiser as I have affectionately nicknamed him) is weighing in at 18 pounds 10.5 ounces. This is the reason my neck feels like I have slept on it wrong every night for the past 2 months... He is solidly in 9 months clothes. Being 28 inches long helps to fill out those long footie sleepers. He has more rolls then a Sharpe puppy... and still has some awesome crazy hair.

Almost every night the Captain and I say how much fun Rigg is and how good Ryder is.  It has been wonderful watching Andy fall in love with both of his boys. It has also been super fun to watch Rigg pay more and more attention to Ryder. I can see see glimpses every so often of my future of 2 rambunctious boys, and it puts the biggest smile on my is usually followed by the thought of having almost every item of my home in broken pieces due to 2 rambunctious boys, but I smile none-the-less.

Oh... and "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"....


  1. He is SOOOOO adorable!! Goooosh! I can't get enough! :) I love when you post new pictures of him! I can't believe how big he's getting! He's as big as Collen...and only 4 months. wow! Nothing wrong with that, though! He's just going to be a tall, strong guy when he grows up! Hope you're doing well and having a semi-sane week. ;)

  2. Ok, of course I love the pics of Ryder....but Rigg's feet sticking out from the curtain is hysterical. I've been smiling all week when I think of Winston grabbing Rigg's hand at church and taking him down the hallway. It makes me laugh because if I had tried to take Rigg's hand he would have screamed bloody murder, but he happily went when commanded by a five year old. Ha!

  3. My Jacob was big like that. He's now 15 and is 6'4.

    Your kids are gorgeous!

  4. Those pictures were fabulous - as macy and i were looking at them I felt something wet going down my leg....somehow even though she was in a diaper, she completely peed all over me...must of been the angle. It was pretty gross....

  5. oh my goodness is he precious!! i could just eat him up!! the rolls on his arms just made me laugh...i love the chunky monkey stage of babyhood. chunky feet, chunky thighs, i bet he has chunky dimples on his butt!! too cute!! and big brother is a cutie in his own right! does rigg ever snatch up ryder's binkie??
    :) linda

  6. So very cute! My second little guy was a chunker and we called him "Meatball" for months. He's 22 months now and thinned out dramatically. I miss those sweet rolls, though!

  7. Wow. I thought Molly was a chunker. She's almost 6 months and about 17.5 lbs. Well...lets be honest...she is still a chunker. But Ryder is a doll. We affectionately call Molly "chubs". I enjoy reading your blog, Cari. :o) Thanks for always wording things in such a vivid way. So entertaining.
