Friday, March 18, 2011

Who is?

Who is 2 months old already?

Who is tipping the scales at 15 lbs. 5 oz.?

Who is growing out of all footie sleepers because he is 25 inches long?

Who is so big he is off the charts?

Who is smiling and cooing?


You are, Ryder!... Silly Boy!


  1. Precious!!! Very clever presentation of his stats. :)
    Barbara in San Antonio

  2. Who looks a whole lot like his sister Caden?

    Ryder, that's who!


  3. Wow...what are you feeding that boy? He is growing like a weed!

    My 20 month boy is only 21.5 lbs (but then he's a shrimp!).

    Ryder (and Rigg, who's post below is just like our days around the house right now) is so cute.

  4. You could have put "Who is adorable, too?" because he totally is. Precious!
    LOVE that hair!!! And he still looks soooo much like his sister to me! :)

  5. Your 2 month old weighs more than my 5 month old! : ) So cute. Hey sorry I've missed a couple of your calls - been in atlanta for most of the week and then getting life back into order for the rest of the week - will try to connect with you early next week - btw the outfit for macy was too cute - thanks so much!

  6. I love the pictures of him with the monkey. His expressions are priceless!

  7. Love it! You are going to have two 6'5" boys!

  8. Love it! So so sweet, and you are going to have to have your own cow and grow your own food to feed those two boys!

  9. Could he be a better combo of Rigg and Caden?! It's amazing how in each photo, he can look JUST like one or the other!! :)
