Friday, February 11, 2011

Stats, cans, crying...ta-da!

Ryder and I took a trip to the doctor yesterday for his one month well baby check (Ryder's not the doctor's...the doctor is older than one month...)

He weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs. and 11 oz. that is in the 90% .
He was 23 inches long/tall putting him in the 95% for height.

All looks well with our newest tiny giant. The big numbers Ryder put up made his daddy's chest swell with pride and his mother shake her head in amazement ( a future of being dwarfed by huge men flits through my mind... maybe looking small = looking thin?)

This morning Rigg has wanted to play in the kitchen. As long as we stay out of the dog's water bowl, we are good to go. He is really into stacking cans...

When his tower doesn't quite meet building codes, or safety regulations... he gets very frustrated.

Like a good mom, I went over and helped him out. We built a nice, strong sturdy tower of canned food goods. He was very happy for all of 3 seconds. Then with a war-worthy battle cry he knocked them all down and kicked them around the kitchen. Sigh.. so much for understanding a boy.

He is getting better at stacking them himself. When he does accomplish his goal, he yells "Ta-da" with his hands in the air. At this, his look silently demands applause.

I oblige.

He might not be a builder... but I have high hopes he will be doing dishes in the near future...


  1. Glad to hear all is well with Rigg and Ryder.
    Sarah (and I) enjoyed the pictures. I asked if she remembered Rigg from church and she replied with an enthusiastic "Yah!" :)

  2. He is getting so BIG! I'll post pis of Josie soon. I love this idea about stacking cans. She loves to go through our cabinets. LOVES IT. So can stacking looks like something she might love. Congrats on your BIG baby. Isn't it amazing how accomplished we feel when our kiddos gain weight. Peace to you Carie! - jen
