Friday, January 14, 2011

does today seem like a good day for a birthday?

Well Ryder thought so. He woke me @ 4:25 this morning telling me to get going. After 5 hours in the hospital, 3 pushes in 3 min, we welcomed the newest Chastain into the world.
Ryder Andrew was born at 12:17. Weighing in at 9 lbs and 6 onces and 22 inches long.
He is healthy and pink with long fingers and more cheeks then he knows what to do with.
Praise Jesus with us for our new son. What a blessing.


  1. If you only knew Baby Ryder was waiting for his personalized nursery to be completed you may have finished it a few weeks ago :)
    Praising Jesus for the opportunity for you to be a mommy again!
    Can't wait for pictures!

  2. Congratulations! Guess he was waiting for his room to be done :) Can't wait to see pics!

  3. Yipee! Rejoicing with you today!

  4. Congrats! So glad He is here!!

  5. A million Congratulations to you!!!

  6. YAY congrats! :) Hope all went well, I just prayed this am for no pain-hope it worked!!!

  7. Congratulations! It is indeed a blessing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congrats! Cari, you were right! You said Sunday he'd be born on Friday!

  10. Woo hoo! He did want his name on the nursery wall.

  11. Congratulations! Doug and I are so happy for you and entire family. Can't wait to see those cheeks. :)

  12. Congratulations to you and your growing family! :) Glad the nursery was done in time and he will be comfy, cozy in his new (personalized) space!

  13. Congrats! We are celebrating with you! Praying for God's grace, peace and patience these next days and weeks to come. Much love!

  14. May I just say he's a pretty cute chubby cheeked "little" guy!! He looks like a wonderful blend between Caden and Rigg.......what a sweetie!! gma b

  15. CONGRATULATIONS! I agree with the other commenters~ he was waiting for you to finish his room before he moved out of his old one. :)

  16. Congratulations ~ looking forward to the photos of your new boy!

  17. Congratulations!! He's certainly a healthy weight ;). So glad to hear he is healthy and everyone is doing well.

  18. Woohoo,
    I was signing on, thinking, today is the day! Wow, great news that it went so smoothly!

    Only 9 6?...pfffft...easy! glad he is here safe and sound.
    Praise God!
    Kimberly Canada

  19. Welcome to the world, Mr. Ryder!

    Congrats to you and your family. Glad everyone is safe and sound.

  20. Congratulations Cari! He was 9lbs 6oz? And you pushed 3 times? You are so cool. I can't even imagine. Way to go Mama. Rest easy. CAN'T WAIT for pics of baby and Big Bro together. Congrats to you too Captain. What an incredible blessing. lv, jen

  21. 3 pushes in 3 minutes??!? That's awesome! I'm so glad you went on your own and didn't have to be induced Monday! And your doctor was on call today & could be with you?! Hello, answered prayers - and Hello, Ryder! Congratulations to you and Andy!

  22. that's so awesome!! congrats on your newest bundle of joy!!

  23. Congratulations Andy, Cari and Rigg!!! Welcome to the world Ryder :o)

  24. Praise God!! SO thrilled to hear all went so well and that mommy and baby are doing great!! can't wait to see how darn cute he is!! congratulations to your sweet family.
    :) linda

  25. Woohoo! Welcome Ryder! The Frenchies

  26. Congratulations, Cari! I'm so happy for you and your entire family!

  27. Just a beautiful gift from heaven!! Congratulations!! Love to all.
