Thursday, October 21, 2010

Easy Ryder? Possibly not....

As stated above in the handy dandy baby count down device, I have about 3 months left. And it is a good thing it states how far along I really am...because if you saw me, you wouldn't believe me...

I am big. Getting bigger. On the way to ginormous.

Don't believe me? Well I had a Dr. apt. just last week and I am measuring 4 and a half weeks ahead... go ahead, read that again...
4 & 1/2 weeks people!

I have an ultrasound next Thursday morning to see "how big is this kid?"

Ryder is very active. He kicks and punches and stretches and flips more then I can remember either of my other kids doing. I am torn between loving it and being annoyed by the constant shifting of my midsection... most times, I am both at the same time.
I am starting to get really stoked to see his little face. I ponder out loud to the Captain.. "Will he have hair?" "Will it be dark like Caden or light like Rigg?" "Will he have rolls and chub like his sister or be long and thin like his big brother?" "Will he weigh more then me when he is born or does it just seem like it?"
Then after I sit and think about how much I love him already and how I cannot wait to meet him, I go stiff and silent with fear about having another baby. What were we thinking? How do people take care of two at once? I am already on my way to being known as "the crazy lady married to that ex-con" (for you ,Captain. : P) how will I do it?
Then Ryder kicks my ribs and I get excited all over again...

Maybe this is why I am so tired.

We have decided to keep the nursery as-is and put Rigg into a big boy room.  I am working on getting everything together and will share my design plan as soon as I have pictures and some progress with the project. Know this... you will love it!

But, for now, I will sit, enjoy the baby karate class going on inside my belly and pray that come January I still have my sanity...

This picture makes me laugh...So I thought I would share...


  1. Cari,
    You just look all belly! You don't look like you have gained an once anywhere else!Rigg's little hand on your belly, aww!! Prayers from Texas

  2. sorry that was supposed to say ounce.

  3. Oh you look fabulous! I love Rigg's hand on your belly. Too sweet.

  4. You look unfairly cute while pregnant. I love that sweater.

    That picture with Rigg's little fist is such a treasure. I can't wait to see him either. Going on our track record of getting down to Grace maybe when he's 6 months or so. :)

  5. So beautiful! Wouldn't it be awesome if you really were farther along. You get to meet Ryder sooner!!!

    I'm actually in the same boat as you. They are surprise at how much my belly is sticking out at 14 weeks. My sister-in-law is still convinced there's a number 2 in there! Hopefully I can handle the next 6 months! :0

  6. You'll do fine with two. My oldest two are boys. The first one was a sweet, quiet baby (even in utero). Now he's a generally sweet kid. But his brother, he's been a wild and crazy guy since he was conceived (I say that with the love of a mother, of This is a common trend among those I know with two boys in a row. First one=sweet. Second one=crazy. It must be something about that second born son.

    And I'm HUGE this time too. But I was attributing that to being huge in the first place...and it being baby You're just all baby.

  7. OK. First of all you look totally great prego. I think your sunglasses help you rock it out in a very fabulous way! :) As for you and your "ex con" husband... I think you will both do fine. It is an adjustment. Your just going to a man to man defense. But the transition is for a season... you'll do great. I was talking to the kids at youth group about faith and I kept thinking of you. How much faith you have and what an amazing influence you have been to me in your testimony and journey with Jesus. Thanks for that example. Love you chica... and BTW - I am SO EXCITED to see your design plan. Always cool, always fun, always creative. :) U rock.
