Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Unobservant Andy

Oh, my goodness! It has been so long since I have even touched my computer... I have been busy, and all my free time I try to spend with the know, cause I love him and all...

Rigg is now officially up and crawling. He is EVERYWHERE. I went to the bathroom the other day and left him in the living room (when ya gotta go ya gotta go) and when I finished he was all the way in the office. He crossed the living room, the dining room and went down the entire hallway....crazy boy.

I do have a great video to show you. I have titled it unobservant Andy... Enjoy!


  1. What a sweet video! I have been a lurker since you were pregnant with Rigg and I just wanted to say congrats and I wish your family the best!

    Now I am going to watch the video a few more times! It makes me smile!

  2. Oh Congratulations!! What a sweet way to suprise him. :)

  3. Congratulations!
    God is good!

  4. You brought tears to my eyes...I love the sweet way you told him (and us!). Congratulations. I can't wait to meet your new baby!

  5. Congrats Andy and Cari! How sweet! I have tears of Joy streaming down my face...God is so gracious!
    You are in our prayers!
    p.s. Rigg is so handsome!

  6. Awww, Congrats!!!! Good for you guys! The video was sooo cute. At first I was like "Wow, how is Rigg just sitting so still on the floor." Then I realized he was watching somtehing. Andy's reaction was sooo cute. Love it! ~ Heather Richardson (Hardy)

  7. That was THE best video ever!! I love it! Congrats to you guys (cause I can't remember if I've said that or not yet!)

  8. I'm a lurker too. I've been following ever since Heidi put a link to your blog on hers - gosh - over a year ago. So excited for the joy you're experiencing now and I pray your life is filled with MUCH MUCH more of it. God bless you all.

  9. I'm a semi-lurker - I comment once in a blue moon. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  10. This made my day! :) Congrats to you, Andi and Riggs!!! Yeaaa!

  11. Lindsay from S.A.May 26, 2010 at 3:27 PM

    The BEST HOME VIDEO EVER!!!!! Love IT! Congratulations!

  12. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so excited! Congratulations! Whoo hoo! Praise the Lord! What a blessing. (breathe) ok... I'm done. Seriously you are so sweet. I love Andy's expression and confusion and him being so "unobservant". I'm praying for you girl! So excited for your sweet family! lv, jen

  13. That was an awesome video! Congratulations to all of you! May you be richly blessed.

  14. YAY!! SO excited for you guys!! I love that Rigg was sitting there clapping the whole time! He'll be a adorable big bro! Love the video-thanks for sharing!

  15. Oh, Congrats! That was the cutest video, and such a sweet way to tell him. At first I wasn't sure what he was supposed to be observant of but then I glanced down at Rigg and saw the shirt...SO CUTE! :)

  16. I, too, am a lurker/blog stalker (I went to high school with Andy.) Now seems like the perfect time to leave my 1st comment - so, congratulations!! Hope all is going well with your pregnancy!

  17. Gotta leave our congrats too! Andy's reaction was priceless! Love it!

  18. congrats!!!!!!!!!

  19. Congrats!!!!! I LOVE how Rigg was clapping too!

  20. That is the SWEETEST video EVER!!! So cute!! Priceless reaction from Andy, and Rigg is even so excited! :) Awesome, Congrats!!!

  21. so so so excited for you!!! i am smiling from ear to adorable video and what an amazing keepsake it will be for your family. can't wait to "follow you" on your journey with a new little one! congratulations!!
    many blessings,
    fan/blog lurker/prayer warrior

  22. I have chills!! What a fun way to tell your hubby!! Thanks for sharing this great news with us!!!

  23. Congratulations! Such a cute video!

  24. Cari, I am SOOO making a fool of myself right now!! I am sitting at Chickfila - LAUGHING - huge grin across my face. I MUST look like a total idiot!!

    LOVED LOVED LOVED Andy's expression!!!

    Even though I already knew you were pregnant, I had no idea what this video was going to be about. In fact, I *thought* it was going to be about the fact that Rigg is crawling. But man....this is hilarious. Love it.

  25. Just found your blog through another blog. Praising God with you tonight.

    My Laynee is dancing with your Caden. I know that their dance is beautiful


  26. You are so adorable. That is the best video ever! What a cute way to tell your husband. I loved it! His expression was so great at the end.

  27. Precious! Love the reaction! Congratulations. :)

  28. Oh, Cari! That was fantastic! I have tears in my eyes. Congratulations!

    Katie in Dallas

  29. Congrats! You totally got me too, if that's possible! =) So exciting!

  30. So cute...I thought it was going to be about Rigg crawling, too. Love your blog and I can't wait to meet your new baby! Praise the Lord.

  31. Congratulations!

    I accidently left the music playing on your blog and then played the video. When I did this it was a beautiful combination and now I can't stop bawling!

    May this new journey bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve! With love...

  32. Nansie (Ahlgrim) WhittMay 27, 2010 at 12:23 PM

    So happy for you! Congratulations!

  33. Congrats!!!! That is such wonderful news and I LOVE the way you shared it with Andy and of course all of us followers!

    I read your every update and I think you are truly an exceptional person! You are an inspiration to all of us moms, wives and most of all... us followers of Christ! May God continue to bless you and your family!

  34. I'm mainly a lurker but had to say Congratulations!!! His reaction was just priceless!!

    Saturday afternoon, my BIL and SIL told us they were expecting. Then I got a positive pregnancy test on Saturday night!! Babies, babies everywhere.

  35. Oh my gosh - I have to tell you this! I've been a lurker for a while (was referred by another site but I can't recall which one) and checked out this post today... But we just moved our computer to another room in the house and haven't hooked our speakers back up yet. So I began to watch the video but didn't know if I would "get" it since we have no sound. I watched it anyway and I totally got the big news! (And long before your husband, I might add:) Congratulations!!


  36. I loved the video! Congratulations to you and your whole family.

    (Rigg's clapping at the end is so cute!)

  37. Cheers, shouts, clapping with big brother Rigg and big sister Caden....Joy Joy Joy!!!!

  38. i just want to say that i have been following you for quite awhile now and i jsut want to say how cute your little family is and i think that the video was such a sweeet sweeet video.. my god bless and keep you all!!

  39. Love the video! What an adorable shirt:-)!! Looks so cute on Rigg! Congratulations Cari & Andy!!
    Suz B.

  40. Congrats!! I love the video! Andy's as observant as Jeff ;-) That was an awesome way to tell him!!

  41. So exciting for your family! What an awesome way to share the news with your husband. Best of luck to your family!

  42. YAY Cari!! I'm mostly a lurker (I know I emailed you once..but I don't usually comment even though I read often!) I am so excited for you!! : ) Praise the Lord for his many blessings!!!!

  43. I love this video!!!! Congratulations!!! I came to your blog off of Ben Ricketts Facebook page.

  44. Awesome, awesome news!!!! it!


  45. Cari,

    I finally got on to see it and it was GREAT!! I laughed outloud and then Luke cam over to see -- and he laughed outloud and said "again?!" everytime we watched Andy say "what? are you pregnant?" SO FUN!!! And of course Rigg was the star of the show. And what a cute shirt I must say!


  46. That's so awesome!! What a blessing! Congrats! :)

  47. Cari,

    I saw something this morning that reminded me of this video and I had to scour your blog to find it.

    Now I can't stop smiling...
