Sunday, May 9, 2010

runny mascara

I only broke down two times today.  I think that is pretty good. The first time was this morning when I was getting ready for church. The Captain wished me a happy Mother's Day, to which I responded thank you, and then he asked me how it felt to be the mother of two...and my response was a very sad, no different then being a mother of one. Because although I have 2 children, I have never had the privilege of caring and raising them together. As I realized how sad that was, I burst into tears...right after I had finished applying my non waterproof mascara. So to help me recover quickly I immediately set to work on making Rigg laugh...a highlight as well as a joy of sons contagious giggle.
The second time was speaking with my pastor at church. He told me he had been looking at Caden's picture that morning and was praising God she was with Him...but sad that we could not be with her today... the hot tears escaped my eyes again... more mascara gone to waste... I was sad she was not here too.

I was able to spent time with my moms own wonderful mother as well as my wedded-inherited and luckier-I-could-not-be-for-it-mother. I was able to give them gifts I had been itching to pass along. It was a secret for so long... 
As you may know, I am blessed to be friends with a wonderful photographer...her blog link is on my sidebar. (IndyPhotograhpy) She is not only a great photographer (which she undoubtedly is), but one of the most tender hearted women I know. She has been a prayer warrior for my family and a great comforter to me. I have not only grown to like Heidi, but I have fallen in love with her as a friend. It doesn't hurt that we both share a wicked sense of humor and find not only each other, but ourselves very funny...

Here are a couple shots I love... Hop on over to her site and see more. You can also read her touching words and see her heart for yourself.

And Heidi, I sure hope He has a camera too...


  1. Perfect. Happy Mother's Day. Love you. Mama b

  2. These are soooo sweet!! Please post more. :) Looking forward to seeing you tonight! Angie G

  3. Dang! Your hair looks GOOOOOD! You have a beautiful family. All four of you!

  4. Love the pictures. What a great Mother's Day idea!

  5. Heidi is a great photographer. I love your pictures! I can imagine the Mommy's day was tough. I am praying you have an amazing summer with your beautiful family! :)
