Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a year ago today

A year ago today our lives came to a sudden stop... breifly.

A year ago today we were faced with fear and an uncertain future.

A year ago today we gripped tight to Gods hand and bowed to His decision.

A year ago today was just another begining, another ending, another way for God to prove Himself, again, in our lives.

A year ago today... has it already been a year? 365 days since my rude awakening? Since the 911 call... since the "news"?

I was rereading some of my past posts a few days ago. I skimmed last April. Then I read about my Easter in 2009... how soon I forget. It was a wonderful and terrible day all in one. I remember sitting silently by Andy's bedside reading the crucifixtion story. I remember praying. I remember praising Jesus for small victories. I remember... although I had already forgotten. I am so glad I wrote it down. Because by reading it again...I remember.

I said a thankful prayer to God this Easter that I was able to go to church, that I was able to dress my son for the special day...that my husband was driving us. I thanked God for His wonderful provision and blessing.

On Saturday it will be one year from Andy's surgery. As well as my parents 34th wedding anniversary. I am sure they prefer to celebrate their special day in a nice resuraunt this year and not in a hospital... and this year I think we can comply with that preference.

As I read through my life last April I was struck by a thought. As crazy and chaotic as it was...it was a good month. Maybe not by our human stand point, or by my stress level at the time. But reading what I had written, about what God was teaching me, about how He was manifesting Himself in our lives... If you measure by that, last April was awesome! That being said, I do not really want to relive that particular trial... or any other one, but I do hope that 2010 contains as much of Him as last April....

A year ago today our lives came to a sudden stop

And then God stepped in.


  1. i can hardly believe it's been a year since i stumbled along your blog & have since been praying for you, Andy & Rigg! And yes, what a year it has been... but how awesome that God stepped in! Thanks for that reminder! I hope you are doing well!

  2. Cari, This post really ministers to me today. I think about you and what you have walked through in the last year. From the human standpoint, it looks unbearable. It is a miracle every day that you were able to endure it all. God bless you. God bless you too for writing that these things drew you closer to God than ever before. Not that we would ever want to experience them again. But thank you that you see God working in it all. God bless you friend and thanks for ministering to me. lv, jen

  3. We'll be praying for good test results and continued strength in your lives.
