Sunday, April 25, 2010

a love affair

My beautiful boy is in love....

Alas, it is not me he falls head over heels for. It is his sippy.
He LOVES it!!!

And gulps down so much water he could roll away...if he was a roller...which he is not.

nothing thrills him more then to see his sippy after a meal. Nothing brings out Riggs wrath like taking it way.

ahhh, I guess the old addage is right, a boy and his sippy are not soon parted...


  1. cute! I love that his shirt says "Major Hunk" too! :)

  2. So cute :)

    By the were in my dream last night. I know we've only ever spoken over the phone, but there you the my dream...saving me from a sand storm. Apparently, they are common around your house because you and the Captain knew exactly what to tell me to do...and you got me to safety in the knick of time. Strange huh? Not too sure what that was supposed to be about.... :) I'll blame it on pregnancy.

  3. wow, my comment got posted twice. I guess he must be double cute. (true)
