Wednesday, March 10, 2010

on the subject of Rigg

It has been a while since we talked about Rigg... And seeing as I like to talk about him it is surprising it has been so long!

He is blooming...if you can say that about a young boy.

He is jabbering more and more. He LOVES to laugh and it is So easy to get him to giggle.

He is eating more solid foods on his own and has almost mastered the sippy cup... I say almost because he will still toss it on the floor with a bewildered expression about its whereabouts just seconds after said toss... He can get all the water out of it help needed!

Still not crawling... not even the least bit interested. Incidentally...he is not even interested in rolling! He can! I have seen him do it... but only when forced and never of his own volition. He hates being on his tummy and immediately rolls on to his back within 3 seconds of being placed on his belly. Because he only rolls from his tummy to his back in one direction, I have resorted to placing him up against a stack of pillows or the couch to keep him on his stomach. He is only semi-content for about 5-10 min before he burrows his face in the floor and starts to fuss.

Caden was almost crawling when she passed away. So in my mind Rigg is a little behind... I need to get over it.. he is fine... just lazy!

Oh well, he will move eventually! Until then I can just enjoy him where he is...and enjoy the freedom I have to leave a room for longer then a couple minutes at a time!


  1. First, Rigg must be the smiley-est boy I know.

    Second, if it makes you feel any better, my little guy (almost 8 months old) has just now figured out how to roll from his tummy to back (he mastered the other pretty early on). It's still kind of awkward, but he can do it consistently now. He can't crawl yet, but he's rocking. On the other hand, my older daughter never did crawl that I can recall...or if she did, it was only for a couple of week before she walked at almost a year.

    But you're WAY ahead of us on the sippy cup. We're still working on the bottle...

  2. Don't worry about Rigg not crawling. My daugher is 16 months old and has NEVER crawled!! At 14 months old she just up and walked. She also hated tummy time and rarely rolled.

  3. Cari,

    Kelsey is doing EXACTLY the same thing as Rigg. I want her to crawl too, but I know she'll be everywhere once she starts!

    Jenny J.

  4. Oh I could kiss those sweet little cheeks right off his face!! Gma b

  5. I am really glad to read this post today. Our little guy is 6 months old and hates tummy time still. he just buries his head and gets mad. He can roll from his back to his tummy, but rarely does. We are working on a sippy cup with him too because he will not take a bottle and I want him to be able to drink from something!! Rigg is beautiful, I pray for your family often. My heart aches for you each time I see your baby girl's face on your blog. You are lifted up in prayer often...

  6. He looks so big in these pictures. Hope was a trip about rolling and crawling and sitting. The fun of parenthood! :) I'm seeing more and more of you in him.

  7. Now I admit I have me some cute kids....they are after all mine to brag on....but this big guy Rigg is just so stinkin' cute! What a handsome guy!

  8. Cari my dear...your photo skills have gotten quite amazing! I am very impressed - those pictures of rigg are fabulous!!! : )

  9. Cari,
    I love your photos... you capture your boy beautifully. And don't worry about him not wanting to crawl. It just means he gets to hang with you more. He needs you longer. Love it. What a precious gift he is. Thanks for the new pics. I'll post some of Josie soon. lv, jen

  10. I'm so glad you were able to come and hang out this week.

    Concerning Rigg's that a long-sleeved onesie? And if so, PLEASE tell me where you got it.

  11. I'm so glad I don't have the only 9month old that doesn't care to roll and isn't crawling. Tinleigh is a week older than Rigg and she is content with just sitting up and having her old sister give her what she wants. My 2 yr old didn't crawl until she was 10months but she was rolling all over the place.

    I just keep thinking I should enjoy it now before she gets into everything, but in the back of my mind I worry too!

  12. Sherwin says he liked that you are giving him the "faux-hawk" (spelling?) - sherwin feels it is similar to his own hair style and that he and Rigg are twins....
