Sunday, March 28, 2010

and then I fell off the face of the earth...

or just took a small break from myself. whatever...

I have had nothing noteworthy to say lately. Not that nothing has been happening...just nothing "worth writing about" literally. Days have slowly and steadily slipped into a "normal" for us. And after living life on top of 12 foot swells for so long... normal seems boring to write about. ( I am not complaining about normal... I will gladly take normal over crazy anyday.)

Rigg is gettting big(ger) and chatty. He is still a big lazy bum and is perfectly content watching the world pass him by thankyouverymuch. He has 8 teeth and is eating table food like crazy. He loves bananas, sweet potato cubes, grilled cheese, muffins, peas, graham crackers... basically anything the kid can chomp and swallow he will eat. The captain and I call him the human sponge because he will drink from his sippy until he pukes water...gross!

My sister and brother (in-law) are in town this week. I am excited to have them around and let them see Rigg. I wish they lived closer. I am looking forward to getting some pics with them and Rigg...maybe me too if I am lucky enough to get a shower...always a toss up!

I took some pics the other night of Rigg "playing on/with daddy" I kept laughing because when he would reach over Andy his little diapered butt would just shoot up into the air...I had to take a pic! And then there are the self-picture shots...enjoy those... and some with father and son...because , I mean, who could resist?


  1. I hear you on the "normal" thing. It feels like I need to be inspired by something to write. I love your pictures though! Captain and Rigg are just adorable! They match! Big Captain Little Captain. Anyway, I pray your time with your sister is a blessing. I pray you get a shower... it's always nice... hey? I love diapered 8 month old baby butts and legs, the rolls are the BEST! Have a great week girlfriend! - jen
