Monday, February 8, 2010

Tag! Your it!

Ok, not you, exactly...but Rigg's tag blanket is it, if it refers to Riggs new favorite thing to drool and gum on.
He absolutly LOVES this blanket.  He samples every ribbon-tag on the thing, then designates a favorite and chomps and slobbers until the whole blanket is about a pound heavier (because of said drool and slobber) then when he started.

Thanks Kristi & John for the blanket... we (Rigg mostly!) love it!


  1. My son goes CRAZY for those taggie blankets! also any sort of tag on any regular toy. he spends all day playing with his toys and sticking the tags in his mouth! So nice to know we're not alone with the tag obsession! :)(he's 7 months old)

  2. What a cute blanket. Where do you get those?

  3. Love the blanket, where did it come from?
