Thursday, November 5, 2009

The end of an era...we hope.

Today is a much anticipated, long awaited day of is the Captain's last day of chemo.

Tonight the Captain will swallow the last 2 poison pills, ahem, I mean, chemo pills and then he has completed the 6 months.

We are looking forward to more energy, less nausea and hopefully a tumor free future.

Andy' surgeon said no more MRI's until next April...Andy's Oncologist would like one after the chemo regimen is over...So we have one scheduled for November 16th. Please pray for the Captain. Andy hates MRI's. As well as the outcome of the scan...that it would be good and tumor free.

We will walk any road God has for us...we just hope it is going to be a little more downhill and sunny from here on out. Maybe a nice stroll through a flowery meadow...or a nice mosey beside a cool, bubbling brook. However if there are hills, mountains or rain in our future...we have a God who is bigger than them all.


  1. Good luck to the Captain! I've had one MRI for a shoulder problem & I hated it too. Actually, I "failed" my first one - I was a world of unprepared for the experience & they had to get me out (combination of claustrophobia & the pain in my shoulder - I forgot to take any pain meds ahead of time). But the second one was MUCH better - I knew what to expect & I handled it like a trouper. Still didn't enjoy it though.

  2. Yes, Lord! Cancer FREE!!!

    I heard something the other day that I loved, "with faith as small as a mustard seed, the mountain can be moved. However, if the mountain doesn't move, climb it and enjoy the view!"

    I absolutely loved that. The idea of focusing on God's glory no matter the circumstance!!!

    Praying with you!

  3. Yay to no more chemo! Praying it will be that way forever! :)

  4. Yay! Can't wait till he is declared "cancer free." I love the pictures. The last one is my new favorite of Rigg. =)

  5. Could Big Rigg be any cuter? He is looking so much older! What a joy he is. I will be praying for Andy. That is MRI be clean as a whistle and that he just enjoy this new season in his life. PS. I'm printing the pic of Caden right now... she'll be up on the fridge before I go to bed. It is SO cool how God has orchestrated this friendship. The first blog I read blew me away. Your heart is amazing Cari... I am SO glad to know you, to know your heart and to pray for you and your awesome family. Peace sister, Jen

  6. Love you both. You've been so strong.

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  8. Your Rigg is gonna be a heartbreaker!!! In a good way of course... What an A-stinking-DORABLE picture of him!!!

    Lord, hold Andy in your arms as he FINISHES HIS CHEMO! Comfort him as he has his MRI and produce a clean bill of health for him. We pray for his future as a husband and a father and a follower of you. Bless him. Bless Cari. Bless sweet baby Rigg and the more to come!

    Thank you Lord!
