Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So, can you guess what I realized today?

One might think they were siblings...no? (wink)


  1. I've thought that for a while....so stinking cute, both of them.

  2. WOW!! They must have beautiful parents, too!!! ; )

  3. Wow. Seeing them together made my heart leap. How cool Cari. Beautiful beautiful eyes. Beautiful babies. Your such a sweet Mama! Love you girl... have a great week. Peace! jenk

  4. I've thought since birth that little Rigg looked ALOT like his sweet sis. They are both just adorable!

  5. My mommy heart is just aching for you when I see Caden's sweet face. I cannot even imagine... What a beauty. Her brother is quite handsome as well. :)

    Thanks for sharing your life. It is so encouraging!

  6. Hi C,A&R
    Your mom showed me the best pictures of Rigg while she was here!
    I don't know how this can help but at times it helps me
    "Never put a question mark where God has already put a period." Richard Petty said that after his grandson was killed and I've lived by it ever since
    I love you guys so much; think and pray for you everyday.
    Kelly's wedding ceremony is on youtube or you can get the link off of my FB page
    Give your folks and that precious Rigg a hug for me

    Commirfornia Barb Hansen
