Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A boy and his exersaucer

What boy doesn't love his exersaucer?  It is useful for so many things such as...

 standing up like a big boy

or chewing on your fingers,

making scrunch faces,

or pleasant faces,

or "hey whatcha think you're doin'?" faces,

he has the ability to drool uninhibited,

but mostly a boy loves his exersaucer because it makes him

Oh, OK...one more.


  1. Too cute! All I can say is, too cute!

  2. What fun! Like a photo essay.
    Sarah doesn't touch the bottom of her exersaucer yet, but she still likes it. :)

  3. Ok... your totally going to know my warped comedic brain. But when I read the title A boy and his exersaucer... I had funny picture of Captain sitting in an exersaucer. Like a photoshop'ed image of it.... I am seriously crazy! :) But then I saw the pics of Rigg... a sweet mini me of his Daddy. So it wasn't too far off! Love the pics. Love ALL of his expressions and yes... exersaucers are the best for uninhibited drooling! :) peace sister, jen

  4. He is gorgeous!

  5. He is gorgeous!
