Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do I tell him?

A long, long time ago, in a far away land, a princess had a chance meeting with a boy. He was handsome and charming. They sat and talked about life and what they wanted from it. Then it began to rain, and the princess knew she must leave. Later, after the wet clothes were long gone and the rain had all but soaked the countryside, the princess thought often of the young man, his face, his voice and his dreams. Little did she know she was as much a part of his future as he was of hers...

OK, so it was not that long ago...about 6 years and, well, not a prince and princess, per se, but me and the Captain...and not a far away land, necessarily, but 3 hours south of home...and not a chance meeting, we were staying with friends, and actually, went down together...but the rest of it is true...

So the summer we went on the mission trip to Bulgaria (and yes for whoever asked, it was Sofia) we went on a weekend trip to a friends house...about 10 of us. One evening, I was swimming in the pool, trying to persuade the Captain to join me, but he has this thing about swimming in pools, well a thing about swim wear actually, which I still do not understand...I digress. Anyhoo...we were chatting and talking about you might recall from an earlier post, I had just broken up with a very serious, long time I was rather intrigued with where God and my life would take me...because it, life, had changed so dramatically in such a short period of time. During the course of our musings, the Captain said something that I have recalled many a time over the last few years. I am sure of all the things the Captain has said to me, many of which he would be delighted if I could but conjure up at the appropriate occasion, this is not one he might remember...but I do. I think because I had never heard anyone say it. Most people, when talking about life, want something fantastic, they want fortune, or fame or, well, something extraordinary. But the Captain told me, when he thinks about what he wants for his life, he wants to "be an average Joe". He went on to explain that he did not want fortune or fame, but what he wanted was a close relationship with Christ. A solid marriage, to be a good dad to his kids and a loyal work a steady job, pay all his bills on time and "not stand out".

Since that conversation, I have fallen in love and married the Captain. And I have replayed that conversation in my head multiple times since.

The first time I really screwed up after we were married, and he immediately forgave me...and I thought... How do I tell him?

All the times he sent me flowers to work for no reason at all...and made all the other women green with do I tell him?

When he let me buy a dress just because " it called to me" even though he had to sacrifice something he might have "needed" do I tell him?

When I told him he was going to be a daddy for the first time and he raised a triumphant fist in the do I tell him?

When he loved and kissed on his baby do I tell him?

When she died, all too soon...and he cried, and yet, was still a rock for do I tell him?

When we got pregnant again and he smiled and cried at the good news...How do I tell him?

When he was told he had a brain tumor, and when asked if he was scared, his response was, only for me and what I was going to have to go do I tell him?

When he had to work really hard to recover from surgery, and he never do I tell him?

When he held his son for the first time and thanked Jesus for a healthy baby do I tell him?

When he sits alone every morning with his coffee and his do I tell him?

When he comes home from work every day, tired, and still does the dishes or mows the do I tell him?

How do I tell him that he left average in the dust a long time ago...


  1. What a sweet, sweet post about an amazing and gentle man. You are truly blessed. Thank you for sharing the joys and the pain. We are praying for you!

  2. Oh that was really fabulous! I want to steal that idea for my hubby...

  3. That is beautiful. What a lovely tribute to an amazing man. You both are a gift and inspiration to many of us. Know that we continue to pray for you.

  4. how special to Andy I'm sure! And you know what, HE is just as lucky as YOU are! You guys are such a great example of CHrist's love in a marriage. Ah! I love it! I love the encouragement you give to each other, and I love the rawness of your lives that you share!
    Hugs from Sunny Seattle!

  5. That was beautiful Cari. To be honest, I actually teared up a bit, but I agree with you. I consider it a privilege and an honor to know and live with him. . .

  6. Well said!!!

  7. what a beautiful post about an amazing husband. well done!

  8. How do you tell him?? I think you just did.....and very well I might add. Love you. Thanks for a special day. b

  9. Awww, I LOVE this post. So precious. You are certainly blessed with a wonderful husband!


  10. Once again one of your posts made me cry! I LOVED this one.

    You are so incredibly blessed to have the Captain. I feel the very same way about my husband and was just wondering this morning how I can encourage him and express to him how extraordinary I find him to be. Now you have me thinking about it more seriously. Thank you.

  11. Avid reader of your blog, seldom a commenter though. I couldn't just read this one & not comment though- I LOVE this post! :D What an incredible Godly marriage you & the captain have! I pray for many many many more years like this!

  12. Cari,
    What an amazing post. What a beautiful relationship you have and an awesome man of God. Thank you for posting the cool pics of Caden and Captain and you and Captain. What a special amazing husband you have... and what a blessing you must be to him as well. You both are way more than average. You are an amazing couple who are a shining example of Jesus' love. peace sister, Jen

  13. Beautiful! I think he'd probably say the same about you two. After all you've been through, and are going through, your marriage is not only still standing--- it's standing out! Cari, you have a BEAUTIFUL way with words. =)

  14. This is so sweet, I have tears in my eyes! I'm glad that you have such a wonderful, Godly husband. Blessings to you both - and little Rigg as well!

  15. I am not sure how I came upon your blog, but I have been an avid reader for a bit now. I, too, married someone who wanted to be an "average joe" and he, too is sooo much more than that! I thank the Lord for helping me find him - a wonderful husband and an amazing Dad. Funny how the "average joe's" turn out to be the most amazing men in the world!

  16. wow, what truly inspiring words and an amazing post. I've been reading your blog for a while and am always drawn to your posts. Thank you for sharing that!

    I'm married to an average joe - he's my hero

  17. Sure, you know how to spell church. But the real question is...

    Do you know how to spell Witmer? :)

    BTW, there's a sneak peek up of the Riggster on the blog now. Oh, and did you also notice that I'm up for my non-existent nighttime feeding right now? LOL
