Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time Crunch

Yesterday I went to the doc. She was on call...again. I saw the nurse practitioner...again. I sat on the crinkle paper table trying not to be frustrated that I was not seeing my doc....again. Don't get me wrong, I love my doc. I am happy she is there for her patients who really need the ones who need emergency surgery or the ones birthing twins...I am aware that I am not her only patient...but I was feeling stressed. I am huge, I am going to have to, somehow, get this huge child out of me, I still have a list of things to do, I have to make a schedule for the captain of people who can get him to and from work when I cannot drive...I have to contact said people and give them times and directions....I WAS A LITTLE STRESSED!

When the nurse practitioner came in, I smiled...I said it was fine...I asked a couple questions, I tried not to hear Paula Abdul singing cold hearted snake in the background as to not fuel the fire of my frustration. She measured me...HUMM she said. She felt my Rigg, HUMMM she said. WELL, I a measureing a little past 40 weeks...I am only just 38. And she cannot tell if he is still head down...She scheduled me for another ultrasound to see size and position of our not so little bundle of joy.

I tried to apologize for being a pest to the office the previous week by calling and asking for a date. I explained it was mostly because I wanted to give my husband notice and find rides for him since he still could not drive. She looked at me with a, now very humorous, blank stare...why can't he drive?...I went into short story mode about our lovely tumor. The stare became a wide eyed expression of unbelief. Oh...she said. Well I will talk to your Doc personally she said...Thank You...I said.

So I left the office with no date, but a scheduled ultrasound and a date for my next apt. I called the Captain, relayed the news. I called the moms and told them...I was OK with the news, still about 2 weeks until baby...and a long list of things to do until then.


I get a call from my Doc. She apologized for not being there the last 2 times. By this time I was totally over it...that's OK I said. The whole time thinking...this is why I love my Doc, a call just to say sorry...what great service! Then she says she wants to check me...can I come in on Monday right after lunch? Sure I say...Good, she says...if you are still not dilated, then we will induce at 4:30 on Thursday because I am on call all weekend...

a shaky OK, I say.


A frantic call to the moms...please come over on Monday and help me with my list...

6 days!

The list of "to-do's" runs itself through my head.

6 days!

So we are looking at looking at Rigg sometime Friday. The captain will get to hold his baby boy by Father's Day! And I will have to, somehow, squeeze out this huge child before then...wish us luck, or, rather, pray for us, as that is what really matters. As my dad says, luck only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, and hopefully they will have nothing to do with birthing my baby...


  1. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll have to post TONS of pics as soon as he comes!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cari, I would love to transport your husband to and from work if you need anyone! I am home all summer not doing a thing, seriously! Please email me or call and let me know if you need anything: and 201-2315. This is one of those times when it is okay to take people up on their offers to help! Can't wait to see pictures of your little/maybe big Rigg!

    *Leah Anderson

  3. Wow! I went to our doctor yesterday and I am measuring 34 weeks (I'm only 29!). I was never this big so fast with my first pregnancy, so I was shocked. But at least now I know why I feel so huge! We have an ultrasound next week, but am sure I will not be hearing any inducing news ;) That's wonderful that your doctor is ready and willing to move things along to ease the stress in your life. Definitely praying! Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. Great news!! We continue to pray for whatever needs the day brings. Love you guys....can't wait!

  5. Sorry, I can't offer your husband a ride. I don't think we're anywhere near each other, or that he'd want to ride with strangers! That wouldn't be a good example for Rigg! I will pray everything goes smoothly and quickly! Get your to do list done, and don't panic if you don't finish everything on it. =)

  6. How exciting! I just caught up on the blog. I've been behind by about two weeks.

    We'll be out of town, but as soon as we get back, I'll be looking for pictures and word that everything went so well!

  7. Congrats, I will keep you in my prayers. I can't wait to see the photos.

  8. Come on! With your family... I'm sure BOTH horseshoes & hand gredanes will come into play somehow........ :)

  9. Oh how exciting! I wish we were somehow near each other - we would totally give the Captain rides wherever! We will be praying for a smooth delivery for you. Can't wait to see pictures of Mr. Rigg.

  10. I am loving the mental picture of "squeezing out this huge child".

  11. I read you blog regularly but haven't commented until now. I have to tell you that I am so excited for you. I think it will be a very fast six days and so special that your hubby will be holding Rigg on Father's Day. Your writings bless me so much. I'll be praying for you.

  12. Cari,
    When you mentioned you measured past 40 weeks and they were going to make you wait I almost passed out. I am so glad your doc called back and we will get to see and hear about "Big Rigg" (still my favorite nickname you have for him. I am also glad you can start planning for the Captain. Peace to you sister! Praise Jesus for this baby boy. Have a blessed week as you prepare for this awesome blessing! :)

  13. I am praying and believing that they will get you in on Thursday, have everything started by 5:30 or so and Rigg will be out and about by 10 10:30 by the latest. Oh, btw Hayley Elizabeth was suppose to be big baby too. Magan was measuring large, and she weighed in at just over 7 lbs.

  14. Cari,

    Sorry for the second comment, been meaning to ask. Do you follow this blog?

    You are pretty much walking the same path. Their daughter lost her battle with cancer at 11 months, and they are expecting a baby in January.

    Just thought I would ask. I see a lot of the same feelings on both of your blogs, and you are both such strong women of God.

  15. I don't know you personally, but I check your blog and pray for you and your husband and Rigg. I'm due with our second baby soon as well - a scheduled C-section on the 26th because she's breech. :) I am praying for a safe and healthy delivery of your baby boy, and look forward to seeing pictures of him! It's fun to know of other moms who are having babies around the same time as you, and I guess I find myself identifying with you often (especially the to-do list!!). Blessings Cari - Ashley.

  16. Yeaaaa!!! How exciting! I'm nervous for you after reading your post, but only b/c I am brought back to the adrenaline rush I felt when I was admitted to the hospital, knowing I was going to be meeting my little guy in a very short amount of time! So much fun! You and Andy will both be in my prayers, as well as the Riggster. I can't wait to meet him.

  17. How exciting! At least the nurse practitioner got the message and was understanding about why you were stressed out!


    - Amy
