Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesdays of Praise

5 years ago this July 10th, the Captain and I said " I do" (or it might have been an "I will") in front of 200 + guests at our home church. It was a lovely day...except for the torrential downpour.
The day started out sunshiny and dazzling. However, when my dad and I were waiting outside the doors (you know the ones, the ones where they open them with a flourish and everyone gasps in awe and amazement at the blushing bride...or something to that effect) anyhoo...we were waiting outside said doors and I looked out the front windows of the church. Black as black could be, my friends. Then came the ground shaking thunder...this was only a problem because OUR RECEPTION WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUTSIDE!!!!

I distinctly remember waiting for the "enter music" with dad and thinking...oh well, at the end of today I am going to be married...rain or shine. (as well as we are all going to stay in this building and do nothing but stare at each other while my beautiful wedding cake gets soggy and drips to the pavement not 10 minutes away! ...but this is not the thought we will focus on.) Then the song Blessed Be Your Name started to play itself out in my head. I sang that song to myself while I waited to be given away to the Captain...little did I know at that time how much more the song would come into play in my life.

I had always loved that song...the words always touched something deep in me that other songs failed to do. I always wanted to mean the words...to live them out.

This is why it is the very first song I thought of when Andy and I were picking music for our precious baby girls memorial service (funeral sounded way to harsh there...)

So on September 27th 2008 our church filled up with friends, family and loved ones to honor the life of my Caden. And together we sang the song that I sang on another Saturday in that exact same church some 4 and a half years earlier for a much happier reason. Yet, it still fit perfectly for both occasions, and it still remains one of my very favorite songs. I have nothing but good memories attached to it...even if some of them are "saying goodbye" memories, they are still sweet.
So today, I praise God for all that He has given, and all that He Has taken away.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

(I tried to get the song on my playlist so you could hear it...blasted iTunes kept shutting down...so read the words, and if you want to look it up yourself, it is by Matt Redman.)

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be
'Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

What are you praising God for today?


  1. Your joyful heart...blessed be the name of the Lord!

  2. I have been reading your blog right before your husband had his surgery. What an amazing miracle!!

    I am praising the Lord today because 5 yrs after losing our twin sons to pre-term labor ( 5 1/2 mos) I am 6 1/2 mos pregnant. This baby is such a miracle given to us from God. Two months before I became pregnant God spoke to me in a dream and told me that there was a little baby boy that we needed to come get ASAP. And guess what? We are having another son!!! Isn't God Great?!?!

    Happy 5 yr anniversary to you and your husband!!!

    Atl, GA

  3. Back row with that song, BACK ROW.

  4. I don't know how I found your blog, but I absolutely love your heart. I check you guys every day to see how your husband is doing and to hear what the Lord has spoken to you about. You guys are an inspiration.


  5. Cari, I totally hear you on that song. Your heart is so amazing and your stories and life are a total testimony of the awesome peace, love and specific love of God. I am praying for you and your family. I am praying for your new baby and your pregnancy. That it be an amazing awesome blessing to you and Captain. Thanks for sharing your life to testify what a glorious God we have watching over all of us. -jen

  6. The hope and promise of what is to come. The reunion of us with our children that left way too early and the joy of meeting our savior face to face. Other than that I am thankful for the day and my wonderful family.

  7. One of my favorite all time songs.....and so right for so many places in life.

  8. Through tears, I don't even know what to type to say... I've followed your blog for a while now and your honesty, faith, and courage has astounded me. My heart quite literally breaks as I read your words today. Tonight, I am praising God for allowing me to see such amazing examples of faith through women, like you, who have endured the unimaginable. I am praying for you and rejoicing with you in knowing that one day, you will sing with your precious little Caden again!

  9. To follow along with the theme of your post...I praise my God today because 1 1/2 years ago I lost my older sister and best friend. Now, that sounds weird, of course I wasn't happy that He took her back Home...but because of her passing, He brought her whole family back to Him. All 4 of us, my mom, dad, younger sister and I, all reaffirmed our walk with Christ. My sister Joy and I were baptized last year. And I know that was part of his plan all along when he took Sue. Thank you Jesus!

  10. What I am thankful and praising God today is for my 3 year old laine. She has a rare metabolic disorder that was picked up through newborn screening. I about fell out of my chair a few posts back when you described the testing your new baby will have. Knowledge is power and may give you answers or at least peace of mind. Laine has VLCAD and is treated when sick and happy and healthy and normal. So sorry to hear about your loss and praying for you from Michigan. I don't know how I got to your blog but believe God uses...yes even Blogs

  11. Hey I know your wedding and reception wasn't the focus of this blog but don't you think for those who don't know you, that we should give God praise for the way the day turned out so beautifully??? Yes it poured, but the wonderful people whose yard your reception was in, covered everything keeping it safe and we all enjoyed the beautiful - yet steamy! - sunshine after the storm! What a fun afternoon that turned out to be, right down to the moment all the guys jumped into the pool fully clothed in their tuxes - if I remember right even the Captain went into the water (correct me Andy if I'm wrong)!! And the goldfish, how fun was that??? I'm thinking you should pull out a picture or two for your new found friends and for the rest of us to walk down memory lane saying - thank you Lord for the beauty of this marriage created in you, that started on such a fun, fun day! What's a little rain cloud?? Blessed be the Lord.... b

  12. I think that is a terrific idea barb!! And Andy was TOSSED in against his will....HA! That ended the reception right then and there! You can thank Mason and Michael for that!

  13. ahhh.....it's coming back to me now, I remember that part - it was still one of the most fun receptions I've ever been to!! b

  14. I am praising God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. He prepared me in advance for a trial I was to walk through and your blog was part of the answer. You mentioned the hour of prayer and keeping of a journal. I started the early diligent prayer although not an hour and within three days I was met with a big ugly disappointment the old lying devil created. Praise the Lord the Holy Spirit has given me peace that passes all human understanding. He IS greated than the one of the world. Praying for you too!

  15. I have been sing Blessed be the name all morning! Thank you for posting the word.

  16. Job 1:21... This song speaks to me too. I found your blog through MckMama's and just wanted to tell you I'm praying for you. (((hugs)))

  17. Just found your blog and have been reading some older posts to follow your story. Thanks so much for sharing your journey...it is heart-wrenching and encouraging at the same time! I love the song Blessed Be Your Name. It took on a special meaning to me also after my own husband went through cancer and chemo a few years ago. God is glorious no matter our circumstances.
