Saturday, May 16, 2009

And then I peed a little

So Friday night the Captain and I were lounging on the sofa. We had just been out dodging the raindrops to run a few errands (I bought some super fun fabric to stitch neckties onto some of Riggs onsies..FUN!) bought some dairy queen and we were, as I said, lounging, just finishing the wonderful creamy deliciousness off. We were trying to decide what late Friday night show was worthy of our attentions when the Captain spoke up and said "Do you want to take a walk tonight?".

I distinctly remember thinking. The man's gone mad! He can not be serious. We were just out. It is POURING down rain. Not to mention it is pitch black and almost 10 pm...a walk?!?! Perhaps the new medication is messing with his we need to call the Dr.? Mad, mad, I tell you!

So I replied as casually as I could "Captain, I do not think a walk is such a good idea tonight."

To which he replies (sitting up, turning around and staring me straight in the face with that look that tells me he is trying very hard to keep a straight face) " I said, 'Do you want to tape the walls tonight?'"

You see, we are still finishing off the stripes in Rigg's room, so we need to tape them off...ahh it is all coming together. I must have temporarily turned into my mother (she is all the time having issues like this, hearing one thing...people stating another. It is rather amusing to watch...)

I laughed. Man, did I laugh. I laughed so hard my belly hurt. I laughed harder then I had in a long, long time. So hard in fact I realized...

I peed a little.


  1. Oh I do that kind of thing ALL the time! Hilarious!

  2. Cari made a puddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I knew I had to read this one... given the subject. Love it. I love laughing that hard. Good stuff.. good stuff. peace. -jen

  4. I had to read this like 5 times to figure out WHY you were laughing....big surprise, huh? I never get it. That's funny though...I can totally see Andy's face repeating it back to you!

  5. Belly laughs are amazing for the soul. I hope you continue to find joy in the little things, despite your sadness.
    My 8 year old son LOVES to remind me of the time a few years ago..."mommy remember when we were driving on the go-carts and you were laughing so hard you peed your pants!!!" Sharing that with a little boy will come back to haunt you!
    Kimberly in Canada

  6. I find that pregnancy requires AT LEAST twice as many pairs of panties.


  7. Wow. I'm sorry I missed that one. That sounds too good to have passed up. . .

  8. hahahahaha i love it! we've been TAPING at our apartment as well! Ohhh the joys! =) Can't say I've laughed that hard in a long time... but it has happened to someone such as me =)

  9. Okay so you know I am right there with you. I will say no more than that.

  10. I officially love coming here.
