Monday, April 27, 2009

Tuesdays of Praise

Just recently, and by that I mean about a month before "The Tumor" I had really started to take my prayer life seriously. Before, I prayed, just inconsistently, and usually only in need...mine or others. I began to be convicted of my lack of consistency and bad example to others. I also was convicted of the fact that a true disciple of Christ would want to talk to Him as much as possible...not just when I wanted or need to.

In the past month I have started a prayer journal...requests, then the date they were answered and how...I have also started meeting with an amazing woman once a week and praying for an hour...this is a HUGE step for me. I know it sounds lame to say (but I am SURE there are more of you out there like me) who can count on one hand how many times you have prayed for over an hour straight...Isn't it sad? What happened to the pray without ceasing...or the NEED for a savior, or the WANT to be close to Him? And here I am just living life, only going to Him sporadically...when I want.

The past few weeks have taught me even more about the power of prayer...and added to my already heavy conviction of my lack of use of that power.

I have seen how God has answered prayer...specific prayer.

I have seen how God has answered unspecific prayer.

I have seen God work in areas where there was no prayer least by my knowledge.

He is teaching me so much about me...what I lack...where He is bigger...what I can never do...what He can do in the twinkling of an eye...

I have found that this is not the only area in which I lack...but this is the one I keep coming back to...the one I keep longing to grow in, the one I want to know more about, feel secure in. So I practice...and what better time to practice my prayer life than to have my husband undergo brain surgery!!! See how the Lord works?
OK Cari, you want a practical application section...POP QUIZ time...

Interestingly enough the prayer bone connects directly to the Faith bone. (how many of you did I get to sing the song in your head?!?!?) When we pray according to the will of God.
John 15:7 Says If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
John 14:12-14 Says 12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
When we pray and do not know God's will...then we have hope, based upon the character of God and can rest in His sovereignty and love, knowing His plan and will are not only greater than ours...but the best.

Yet, what I struggle with the most about prayer is the PRAISE. I rush through the praise part to get to the this-is-what-I-need/want-God,-fix-it part...Do you?

I have been reading through the Psalms a lot you know how much praise to God those things belt out? A TON!!! Why am I not...why do I struggle? I should have so much to praise Him for I cannot shut up about it. Not just the blessings He has bestowed upon me...which is WAY more than I deserve...but praising Him for... HIM! Just being God should make me spew forth more praise and adoration than I can fathom. God alone inspires praise and honor, glory and power without giving me anything at all...just for being.


I submit to you a challenge. Let us make Tuesdays a day of praise. Let us FOCUS our prayer time on Him...who is worthy of all our praise. Let us Praise Him to Him, to others, in quite...out loud. With verse, with song...with our actions....TUESDAYS OF PRAISE!!!

Are you up for it?

I will start...even though I am aware that it is still Monday...I am sure It will still "count" and I will repeat and make anew tomorrow....

Father, I praise You for Your awesome power...You have shown Yourself to me over and over this past year in new and amazing ways...Your power, sovereignty and holiness have been displayed in my life as never before...You are worthy of all my life, because you are Holy, you are the Great I Am.

If you care to join me, please do not just post a comment about how you will join me...praise God in your comment so others can read and benefit from our praise to Him...who alone is worthy!


  1. I thank God for doing immeasurably more than I asked or imagined. When I was becoming discouraged, but had faith that I was following His will, and that He would provide, He did immeasurably more.

  2. Hear my prayer, O Lord; PSALM 102:1 wow! I have been convicted about my "lack of" prayer life. I am so excited to read about your hour of prayer. I am going to strive to wake early tomorrow and spend time with Him. I also am going to start a prayer journal. What a wonderful idea. I know the Holy Spirit lead me to read your blog tonight. Prayer has been on my mind all week.

  3. I praise God for giving us answers to questions we've been asking for awhile! I praise Him because He knows so much more what I need, even before I know it! And I praise Him for the strength and wisdom He gives! I'm with you Cari! Tuesday of Praise! AWESOME!

  4. I have been praising God for He is Worthy of Praise!

    Thank you, Cari, for challenging me to Praise God more! It's so easy to get caught up in the requests & forget to praise Him! It amazes me how Awesome a God we serve! He is God yet He cares for me, a nobody, and carries me through life as if I was His only thought!

  5. I'm up to it! GREAT GREAT post! Its always good to reflect on my own prayer life thank you for the wonderful reminder

    I praise God for leading us to adoption and the place HE has already had in every step of our journey this far

  6. I praise God for the amazing love he has shown me. There have been many times in my life that I have not been deserving of his unfailing love.

    I love your idea! I'm in!

  7. Lord, I praise You today for your grace and mercy. I am a sinner, yet you still love me as your daughter. I am humble before you. You forgive me, even though for many things I should not be forgiven. I have sinned and will sin again because I am weak, but you love me anyway. You are so awesome. I can't even fathom your awesomeness! :)

  8. LORD God, I read in Job today Your answer to him and I am amazed at Your awesome power. You alone know the outline and blueprints of our universe. You not only know when the sparrow falls, you know when the deer gives birth. You know us in and out and are in command of all! Who is like You, O God? Who is creative and loving, powerful and patient, rich in mercy and fully just? Who? Only You. And yet we can come before You and be in Your presence. Thank You for Your never ending mercies. For the freshnes of Spring and the reminders that You make all things new. Praise You!!!

  9. Oh Father how awesome You are. You are our refuge and our strong tower. It is by Your word that all of creation is. Father you are the one that named each of the stars and numbered all the hairs on my head. You are the great I AM, the healer, comforter, giver of strength, and the one that meets our needs before we even know that we have them. Father I am humbled in the knowledge that there is no where I can go, that You are not already there. That all of our names are written in the palm of Your hand, and that our walls are ever before you. Father more than anything I am awed by a love so strong that You chose to give you only begotten Son that who-so-ever believes will not perish, but have eternal life.

  10. My four boys and I loved you're idea, and made Tuesday a day of Praise! We started taking about the different types of prayer, and what praise really means. We read Psalms 103

    Dear Lord, Father God:
    -Thank you for the spring flowers that come before the green leaves.
    -Thank you for everything, for zippers and buttons to zip up coats when it is cold. Thank you for a roof over our heads.
    - Thank you for all you created, it is really cool.
    -Thank you for the hat I got.
    -I praise you for your loving kindness, for not giving up on us, but lifting us up and giving us a fresh start. Thank you for beeing our redeemer. We praise you for how your are creative in all you make, from each flower being different, to each child being unique and precious. We Praise Your name!
    -The Prails

  11. Awesome post. I have been praising him for all the
    opportunities he has given me to work. My hubby's job and him not having to lay anyone off!!
    He makes things happen when no one else can. He has always made a way for me!!

  12. Thank you, Lord for Cari!!! Her humbleness to You and her inspiration to us. Our God is an awesome God, who is worthy of all praise! May He allow this reminder to be forever be etched in my mind!

  13. Lord,
    I praise You for Your faithfulness in the face of my unfaithfulness. I praise You for drawing me to Christ as a teen and for Your keeping power day to day. I thank You that in Your love You are shaping me to be more like Jesus. How blessed we are to have Your written Word so accessible in this country and for that I give thanks. I praise You for the working out of Your good, acceptable, and perfect Will and Ways in my life and those I love.
    A daughter

  14. Got your blog from Julie in ROC. She suggested sharing some awesomeness God has done recently If you'd like you can read my blog:

    Lord, I praise You for being perfect You. For Your amazing love, for Your potter's hand, Your good and pleasing will, the way You work for the good of those who love You, and that I can never really stop praising You.
