Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another long day

I am home, and once again wishing I could stay with him. I know he wishes I could stay too. I could see it in his eyes. Yet, we both know I should be home to sleep so I can get rest for me and Rigg.

There is lots of good news...all of which you know by now. He is awake, although, he gets sleepy very easily. He has eaten. He can speak and use his right side. Praise God for all the answered prayers.

Yet, I am a bit down tonight. Maybe it is all the weight of the past few days catching up to me, or maybe it is Satan...maybe both.
I just wish Andy would be better instantly. It is hard to watch him struggle and be frustrated. It takes so much effort to move his arm and hand. It takes just as much to speak. He informed me it is hard to answer the complicated questions because it is hard to string all the words together and get them out. It is hard not to be a little disappointed. I know I should be elated by all the progress and good news...but I want my Andy. You are officially witnessing a weak moment here folks...exhaustion probably plays a roll.

I know I need to be patient. I have to verbally tell myself to trust in the Lord. Wait on the Lord. His timing is better than mine. God is working.

But what about NOW? Can he do all that right NOW?

yes He can, but He will do whatever He wills to do.

I know, but I don't like it.

I know too the Dr. has said it can take a few days...maybe weeks. Who knows what is really going on inside Andy's body and brain.

God does.

You see I am trying to encourage myself and I get to going round in circles....I am already tired without being dizzy too.
Tomorrow is Easter. While you worship and praise God for His son and the work He did on the cross, please remember us. And as far as our side of the deal, we will remember Christ and how truly blessed we are to be called children of God. This life and it's trials are temporary, but His Kingdom and Word last forever...I am thankful to be a part of the eternal Kingdom of Christ.

Pray for Andy's recovery. Especially his frustration level. I suppose you can add me to your prayer list and pray for my stress level and patience as well as trust in Him who makes all things new.

Lord, change my heart to be like yours. Please, come quickly.

p.s. Anyone who would like to post about my family, post a link to my blog or ask for prayer on my behalf need not is a favor to me if you do.


  1. Prayers for rest...we love you.

  2. Cari,
    Prayers will continue for strength for both you and Andy....know you are in SOOO many prayers right now!

    Jason and Leah Anderson

  3. I say this as encouragement...I still struggle to put words together. My husband and I have decided that we would be masters at Pictionary if the chance were to arise!! He does such a great job of knowing what I want to say and saying it for me!!! We look at it as the "two becoming one" even more...he knows my thoughts!!!

    Blessings and prayers!

  4. I just came across your story from Kelly's Korner and have been reading the past few days.
    Your story really hit home for me, as my son had his first seizure at 8 mos of age and we were so afraid. We have since been on over 20 ambulance rides and just spent 2 week at the Cleveland Clinic working on gaining seizure control (he's 4 years old now)
    I am so sorry for the stuff you have on your plate. I know in some ways how you feel.
    I said a prayer for you tonight and will continue to pray.
    We have found to be helpful in writing a program for neurodevelopment. They work with adults, too--- it might be worth looking into to help your husband regain maximum function after his surgery. Hope the unsolicited advice doesn't offend. Please take care of yourself and that precious baby. REST.

  5. Okay, wanted to add to my last post. I am in Indianapolis and if you want to email me ever my name is Missy and it's
    I guess I was kind of vague about NACD. I do not work for them, for the record. What they work closely on, this is what I failed to mention, is auditory processing and verbal processing.....what is immediately what came to mind when you mentioned your husband's frustrations.


  6. I also came across your blog on Kelly's Korner and wanted to let you know more prayers were being sent up for you and husband.

  7. Another visitor from Kellys are precious and have such a great outloook. I will pray for you and Andy. I pray that tonight will be restful and tomorrow he will be feeling even better!

  8. Hey Cari...I too heard about you from Kelly's Korner. Just know that you and your family are uplifted in prayer. I pray that you continue to feel God's love wrapped around in you this time of need. Sending you a HUG from Sunny ARIZONA!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!! Jamie D.

  9. Hi-I came to your blog through Kelly's Korner--I understand the frustration about recovery from brain operations. My husband had a brain aneurysm 13 years ago. They were able to seal it off with a successful procedure, but it took him a long time to feel like himself again. I wish the dr.'s would have said, for six weeks you'll feel simply awful, for another six weeks you may go to work but then you'll just come home and collapse, and it will be a year before you are totally recovered. For a long time I worried there was actually something ELSE wrong with him (like we needed that!) because he was so weak and felt so bad. So I share your frustration.

    But we have also been blessed with God restoring my husband to our family for the past 13 years--and I am thankful that God has been merciful with the prognosis with yours as well.

    I am praying for you!

  10. Good Morning my precious friend! Remember as we have talked in the past, there are lows after spiritual victories and highs (of which you have experience many in these past few days), so expect them and fight them with scripture. I'm praying for your joy and peace to be restored this morning as you head back for another day in your battle. Isaiah 26:3 says "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the ROCK eternal." And from Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." One more from Psalm 17:6-8 "I call on you, O God, for you will answer me, give ear to me and hear my prayer. Show the wonder of your great love, you who saved by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shawdow of you wings.."
    We are praying moment by moment for you both (and baby Rigg!). Keep claiming those promises that are tucked away in your hearts for just this purpose!! Love you!! B

  11. You are in my prayers Big TIme! I just wrote you down on my prayer list.



  12. ooops - left that last comment signed on under my parents blog :)

    Me again - still playing although I will tell Mimi and Papa to pray also.


  13. He is risen. We continue to pray for rest for you and your baby and continued progress for Andy.

  14. As I read your post I was reminded of 1Corn. 10:13, he promises never to tempt you beyond what you can bear. Also Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I pray that you find peace with these. He is our God and he is a good God. Praise be to him!! We pray for Andy's continued progress and that you and little Rigg are able to rest well. We love you guys!!


  15. Cari, I continue to pray for you, Andy and little Rigg. God knows what He is doing. He will always be our comfort, our joy, our eternal salvation. Hold close to those thoughts and proclaim His love for you and your life. Prayer without ceasing and praise to His name will be my prayer for you and your family. God's blessings from So. IL

  16. Cari,

    You don't know me, I came to your site through another. Your story sounds just like mine. My husband and I were married 3 months when we found out he had a large tumor in the same place as your husband. I have walked in your shoes. I know how you feel. This time will pass and you will be okay. It has now been three years this August since we found his tumor and he has done very well. The Drs were not able to get the whole tumor but a lot of it. It has not grown at all. I am praying for you. I wish I could take this from you because I know the pain. I will tell you though, my husband and I became closer because of it. God works in all things.


  17. Cari,

    I will pray for strength for you and for Andy. We definitely missed you both today.
    I am praying Phil 4:6 & 7 for you (especially the peace of God):

    6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    I can't imagine how exhausted you are because as we both know just being 7 months pregnant is exhausting in and of itself. Taking care of you and Rigg is important, but I can definitely understand your wanting to stay with Andy as well. Whatever we can do, we are here! We love you!

  18. Praying for you all. Praying that Andy continued to show improvements today and that you are feeling encouraged. Praying for his full recovery. Praying you both sleep well tonight.
    Hugs and prayers
    Rachel in PA

  19. Kari & Andy... I know Andy from the men's group at Grace. My prayers are with you daily. Here is a favorite quote from scripture for the "hard days"... Love you guys - AL (Alan Waelbroeck)
    These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
    - John 16:33

  20. I am a friend of Melanie Elsey's and she has asked for prayer for Andy. Wanted you to know that there are many, many people who have never met you but are thinking and praying for him. I will keep you, Andy and your family in my prayers each day.

    Susan Morgan
